June 2002


How to pray to the Novena

These are some help for making the Novena to the Sacred Heart privately, in your family or any other group.

A novena prepares us over a short period of time to receive the graces of God special to a feast.

In the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the grace we pray for is to know personally the love of God in the Heart of Christ.

Read the reflection and meditate slowly, pausing when something strikes you. A prayer takes up the theme of the day, and you end with the Novena Prayer (on the right).
Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love to each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us when we are at our weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this novena, and grant what I ask. . . (make your request). If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me always what is best for me, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I place all my trust in You.

(Day 1 June 1)     How to pray to the Novena

Scripture: 'Jesus went up onto the mountain and summoned those he wanted. They came to him and he appointed twelve; they were to be his companions and to be sent out to proclaim the message'(Mk.3:13-14).

Meditation: In Baptism we are drawn into the Community of Christ (the Church) and at the same time into the family of Jesus (the Trinity). We receive Jesus to be our brother, we receive his Father to be our Father and we receive his Spirit to dwell in the heart of our being. In Baptism we are also called by Jesus, to live with him as companions, to remain with him as disciples and to labour with him as apostles.

Prayer: Lord, give me the grace to hear your call and the courage to respond to it. Help me to use the gifts that you have given me to bring your Good News to others.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

End: Say the Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart.

(Day 2 June 2)     How to pray to the Novena

Scripture: 'I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd' (Jn.10:10-11).

Meditation: Sin disrupts unity and creates divisions. There are too many gaps in our world: between rich and poor, between black and white, between one religion and another, and between Christians of different traditions. Jesus comes to bring us together into one family. In his vision there will be one flock and one shepherd. Living on this earth he gathered his disciples and united them by his love. Risen from the dead, he drew them together in mind and heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Lord, in your love for us you included everyone. Let me be a source of unity in your hands, helping to break down the barriers created by race, religion and social status.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

End: Say the Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart.

(Day 3 June 3)     How to pray to the Novena

Scripture: 'Father, forgive them: they know not what they do' (Lk. 23:24).

Meditation: Following Jesus always entails hardship. That hardship may occur when our rights are denied, our reputation is damaged or our friendship is betrayed. It may also occur when our achievements are not acknowledged, our intentions are misunderstood, or, perhaps worst of all, when we are held up to ridicule by others. At times like these the Gospel challenges us to open our hearts in love: to extend the hand of friendship to everyone and withhold forgiveness from no one.

Prayer: Lord, give me the strength to bear the hardships that come to those who follow in your steps. Heal my wounded heart and free me from bitterness, so that I can set free those who have hurt me.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

End: Say the Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart.

(Day 4 June 4)     How to pray to the Novena

Scripture: 'Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood, have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood, live in me and I live in them' (Jn. 6:54-56).

Meditation: The Sacrament of the Eucharist promises eternal life to those who receive it, and it enriches them with a sense of communion with Jesus, which St Paul described in these words: 'I live now, not I, but Christ lives in me.' To keep that sense of communion with Jesus alive, it is important that we never separate the Washing of Feet from the Last Supper by separating faith from action, or love from service.

Prayer: Lord, let me always be grateful for the gift of communion with You. Help me to express that gratitude by loving my fellow men and women and by reserving a special place in my affections for the poor.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

End: Say the Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart.

(Day 5 June 5)     How to pray to the Novena

Scripture: 'Zacchaeus wanted to see what kind of man Jesus was, but he was too short and could not see him for the crowd' (Lk. 19:3).

Meditation: Because of his small stature, Zacchaeus' vision of Jesus is blocked by the crowd. He lives on the edge of the community but he does not allow himself to be discouraged by this. Anticipating events, he seeks a better vantage point in a sycamore tree.

Living on the margins of society is never easy. Trying to survive without employment, or qualifications, or social standing is a hard struggle that can make us feel insignificant and leave us embittered.

Prayer: Lord, let me follow the example of little Zacchaeus, whenever I feel excluded by others. Guide me away from the false comforts of self-pity and resentment and help me to find you even in times of hardship.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

End: Say the Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart.

(Day 6 June 6)     How to pray to the Novena

Scripture: 'The seed sown in rich soil is someone who hears the word and understands it' (Mt. 13:4-23). 56).

Meditation: Every spring the farmer sets out to till his land and sow his crops. For him it is a venture of hope. He knows that his land is a mixture of fertile soil and barren rocks. He knows that difficulties lie ahead and that he will encounter failure. And yet he forges ahead because he is aware of the life-force in the seed and he knows that all his actions are guided by God.

Prayer: Lord, you transformed evil into good, darkness into light, and death into life. Let me always journey in hope, knowing that you are faithful to your promises and that 'you make all things work together unto good.'

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

End: Say the Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart.

(Day 7 June 7)     How to pray to the Novena

Scripture: 'I give you a new commandment: love one another. You must love one another, just as I have loved you' (Jn. 13:34).

Meditation: Jesus does not say, I impose on you a new commandment. He says, I give you a new commandment. The gift he is speaking about is the gift of inner freedom which enables us to do whatever is good, not just because we have to, but because we want to; and to avoid evil, not just because we have to, but because we want to.

Prayer: Lord, you have called us to live with you, not as servants or slaves, but as friends. Help me to treat others in the same way that you treat us: to labour and not to look for reward, to love and not to count the cost.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

End: Say the Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart.