30 Nov
St Andrew, Apostle
(Psalter Week II)
Rom. 10:9-18
Ps. 18:2-3,4-5
Mt. 4:18-22
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Andrew was one of the first two men to follow Jesus, whether with his brother, Simon, as in the Synoptic Gospels, or with an unknown disciple as in the Gospel of John. In the New Testament, lists of the names of the Apostles, his name is always among the first four. There are legends about him, especially about his martyrdom in Greece through crucifixion on an X-shaped cross. While we know very little about him, however, that which we certainly know is that which is most valuable: Jesus called him by name to be one of His twelve disciples whom He would later send out into the world as apostles.

Jesus chose to establish the kingdom of God on earth, not with the help of legions of angels, but with a small group of twelve men whom He would send to prepare His way. That this initial community of twelve men would become the Church as we know it today is a sign of the truth of Jesus' promise that He would be with us until the end of time. In whatever way Andrew died, and wherever he died, we can be sure that he experienced the truth of Jesus' promise.

Teach us, Lord, to be ready at all times to hear Your call.

Father, through the intercession of St Andrew and of all the Apostles, keep us faithful to the truth of Jesus.

For widows and widowers who often feel the pain of loneliness, that they may find comfort and support in the Christian community.

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