October 2005

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : That Christians may not be discouraged by the attacks of secularized society, but with complete trust, may bear witness to their faith and hope.

One of the greatest challenges besetting the Church today is secularization. Our cultural and religious situation today calls for the presence of Catholics who are adult in their faith and who can testify to God's love before all humankind. Now more than ever a missionary consciousness is needed, beginning with bishops, priests, consecrated persons, catechists and the faithful. All the baptized, being witnesses of Christ, should ensure that their faith does not wither for lack of training and formation in order to face a hostile environment.

Our contemporaries "listen more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if they listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses" wrote Paul IV in l975 (Evangelii Nuntiandi). Basic Ecclesial Communities need to be exhorted to lead exemplary lives in their neighbourhood. What is needed are forceful, personal and communal testimonies that manifest and strengthen our faith and hope in Christ.

Catholics are therefore called to have a faith capable of critically confronting contemporary culture and resisting its enticements; of having a real effect on the world of culture, finance, society and politics; of demonstrating that our unity in our cherished faith is more powerful than any ethnic bond or of joyfully passing on the faith to new generations.

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