January 2007

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : That in our time, unfortunately marked by many episodes of violence, the pastors of the Church may continue to indicate the way of peace and understanding among peoples.

Peace is an irrepressible yearning present in the heart of each person. Consequently, everyone should feel committed to service of this great good, and should strive to prevent any form of untruth from poisoning relationships. All people are members of one and the same family. These simple truths are what make peace possible. Seen in this new light, truths listened to our own hearts with pure intentions, make peace possible. They lead to harmonious coexistence of individual citizens; they encourage us to seek out and to follow the paths of forgiveness and reconciliation and be transparent in our dealings with one another.

We need to reflect on the menacing scenarios of conflicts and death that have devastating effects on the lives of individuals and nations and not fail to be seriously concerned about these tragedies. An authentic search for peace must begin with the realization that the problem of peace is the concern of everyone; it is decisive for the future of our planet.

As pastured and pastors of Christ, recognizing the insidious presence of evil and the need for that liberation brought by Christ who "committed no sin, no guile was found on His lips" (Is. 53:9), we should look to Him with confidence and be encouraged to build peace on the truth of a daily life inspired by the commandments of love.

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