September 2007

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : That the ecumenical assembly of Sibiu in Romania may contribute to the growth of unity among all Christians, for whom the Lord prayed at the Last Supper.

The Third European Ecumenical Assembly to be held in Romania has for its theme: "The Light of Christ shines upon all. Hope for renewal and unity in Europe". We pray this month that the Holy Spirit gifts the Church with unity which goes hand in hand with a firm commitment to the demands of the Gospel.

We have to realize that at the base of the commitment to ecumenism is the need for conversion of heart, as Vatican II clearly affirms: "There can be no ecumenism worthy of the name without interior conversion. For it is from newness of attitudes of mind, from self-denial and unstinted love, that desires of unity take their rise and develop in a mature way".

Unity is our common mission. The faith of the Church is founded on this solid rock "God is Love". The patient pursuit of full communion among all of Christ's disciples is based upon it. True love does not eliminate legitimate differences, but harmonizes them in a superior unity that is not dictated from the outside but gives form from within, to the whole.

With greater vigour we must continue our journey together. Christ walks before us and accompanies us. We count on his unfailing presence and humbly and tirelessly implore from him the precious gift of unity and peace.

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