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Posted -
2007/1/26 上午 11:30:36

說書會(二月份) Book Talk (February)


「尋找社會中共同的善」(In Search of the Common Good)---這書綜合不同人士對「共同好處」的意義、神學、聖經研究及基督教倫理的理解。在這些論述中雖以神學為討論中心,但背後的核心更叫我們關注個人對社會的共同責任和權力。看罷這書後你會發現共同好處原來早已栽種在我們的信仰價值內,值得你去思考。

BookTalk (February)

Book Title: "In Search of the Common Good" Edited by Patrick D. Miller and Dennis P.McCann

Date: February 8,2007 (Thursday)
Time: 7:30 - 9:30pm
Place: IC Room
(Address: 2/F, St Andrew's Christian Centre,
138 Nathan Road, TST, Kln)

Speaker: Professor Dennis P. McCann (A Catholic Theologian, Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy, HKBU)

Fee: Standard $ 100/ GCF member $ 85/ Full time post secondary student free

Enquiries: 2369-8512 (Vicky)
Website: www.gcf.org.hk

This collection focuses on the meaning of the common good and what resources Christian theology , biblical studies and ethics might contribute to our understanding of it . The rationale for this discussion is ultimately theological. Whether under the formal rubric of "common good" discourse or not, the meaning of a commitment to community and the duties and claims of the individual related to the community have never been more pressing concerns. We must recognize that thinking about the common good is intrinic to the very character of Christian faith and the ethos it invokes.

Organized by Graduates Christian Fellowship of Hong Kong

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