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Posted -
2007/4/12 下午 11:26:57

Dear All,

I'd like to get your help on this one. Does anyone know what is the meaning of “Spirit of Assisi”?? is this connected with St Francis Assisi?? Because our parish priest said that the Spirit of Assisi was invented by St. Francis Assisi, but I was very confused on it??

Thanks for all the help in advance


Posted -
2007/4/13 下午 08:00:40



Posted -
2007/4/14 下午 11:35:08

Dear Fanny,
On 27 October 1986, the Pope John Paul II gathered in Assisi with the leaders of the great world confessions to pray for peace (to their respective deities: the Buddha, or the Shiva, or Mohammed, or the Spirits of the Indians......)

So the term “Spirit of Assisi” means those “Catholics”, Protestants, Orthodox, Jews, Moslems, Animists, Hindus, or various pan-religion gathering at the same place (usually at a Catholic church) to pray their gods: Yaweh, Mohammed, Allah, Animial spirits, Buddha, or Shiva for peace.

“Spirit of Assisi,” a previously unheard-of term that recently came into vogue in Catholic circles. The term automatically invokes the idea that there is a connection with Saint Francis of Assisi.

So, what does the “spirit of Assisi” have to do with Saint Francis of Assisi?

Nothing! In fact, they are contradictory spirits.

Within a Catholic context, it is not possible to have a “spirit of Assisi” that is divorced from Saint Francis of Assisi. Yet this is exactly what the pan-religious “spirit of Assisi” is. It is something that Saint Francis of Assisi would have regarded with absolute horror.

statue of Buddha over the tabernacle of St. Peter Church in Assisi.

Inter-Religious Meetings of Assisi

Do Catholics and Muslims worship the same God?


Posted -
2007/4/15 下午 12:40:12

Dear Thoma,

I think it is of no use to make things getting polarized so quickly. Whenever a traditionalist hears about "Assisi", the notions of "religious indifferentism" and "inter-religious worship" automatically come to mind.

I think before coming to refute the false spirit of Assisi, you must first state what the true spirit is.


Posted -
2007/4/15 下午 01:57:53

多謝你的回覆,我們堂區的神父在一個Seminar上講及聖方濟思想,當中他提及聖方濟是支持Religious Indifferentism,並且說他是和平的先軀,與前教宗John Paul II一樣,締造和平。他說我們也應該擁有一顆「亞西西精神」,一同朝拜「同一」的神。但我想問的是聖方濟真的是支持嗎?


Posted -
2007/4/15 下午 06:30:29

Dear Fanny,

What you labelled as religious indifferentism may not necessarily be religious indifferentism.

Please note that whenever you notice about any priest preaching error or heresy from the pulpit, the first person you should run to is that priest himself. Secondly you should also tell the bishop +/- report to the Congregation For The Doctrine of the Faith.

Talking about (alleged) personal failures about such an important matter in an online forum serves no benefit at all for the Mother Church. It also violates Christian charity as well as injures the reverence that is due to the clerics in general.


Posted -
2007/4/15 下午 11:32:15

我想你攪錯了,我的問題從沒有講過神父preaching error or heresy,我只是想弄清楚問題的真確性,故在此請教各弟兄吧!我相信如果未弄清問題,而tell the bishop +/- report to the Congregation For The Doctrine of the Faith.,才是no benefit at all for the Mother Church及violates Christian charity吧!

preaching error or heresy是相當嚴重的行為,嚴重者甚至要絕罰,未弄清問題就話要投訴,Congregation For The Doctrine of the Faith都無暇理會這種投訴啦!

或許我堂區的神父真的說對了,聖方濟是religious indifferentism的支持者,我豈不是violates Christian charity as well as injures the reverence that is due to the clerics in general.嗎?


Posted -
2007/4/16 下午 08:02:55

Dear Fanny,






Posted -
2007/5/21 下午 01:00:34


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