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Posted -
2003/4/11 下午 04:06:17

- The Prophecy of Mother Theresa
Please allow me to send you the essential details regarding the alleged deathbed prophecy of Mother Theresa. IT appeared in an article by a Carmelite nun, Sr. Evangeline McGrath, and was published in the magazine “Prophecy” - The Prophecy of Mother Theresa on June 25th of this year. Mother Theresa died at 9:30pm on the evening of September 5th, 1997, in the motherhouse of her convent in Calcutta. At around 8:15pm, Mother Theresa awoke and summoned the other nuns to gather around her. She told them, “I have a vision of things to come. Our Lord Jesus Christ has bidden me to disclose to it to you that you might be prepared for a time of woe and be safeguarded from evil. “The Four Horsemen spoken of in the Book of Revelation, (Ch.6; 1-7) have mounted their steeds. Their ride begins. You will hear their hoofbeats within five years time. “The first three Horsemen correspond to the account given in Revelation, but the fourth is transformed from the bleakness of Death into a beacon of brightness and hope. “The first Horseman – “Plague” – is riding a white steed and is armed with a bow. The second, on a red horse, is brandishing a sword and represents “War”. The third Horseman is mounted on a black horse. He carries a set weighing scales and signifies “Famine”. The fourth (initially) rides a pale horse and rides ahead of the legions of hell. His name is “Death” Mother Theresa was quite specific as to the timing of the first three scourges: Plague, War & Famine. “The Plague will break out first in Asia in August 2002. At first it will be ignored by the World Health Authorities, but it will spread and its victims will multiply rapidly – millions and millions of poor souls. “As the plague rages, the true identity of the Beast of Revelation will be revealed: a creature who delights in death, pain and misery. This man will come from Iran, and will proudly display the number 666 (presumably in some symbolic fashion), on his clothes and on his forehead. “The Beast will at first be welcomed by the United Nations as a ‘man of peace’. It will take a full year before his true identity is revealed. With contemptuous ease, the Beast will assassinate Saddam Hussein early in 2003 in a murder plot involving Arab Sheikhs, and he will spread his power through Iraq and Saudi Arabia. “While the plague rages, he will begin his rise to world domination. War will break out in the Middle East in October 2003. It will start with the assassination of a major figure (Arafat?), in the Arab/Israeli conflict now under way. This shocking event will provoke a wave of suicide attacks against the United States. Fanatics determined to blow themselves to pieces – as long as they can take many Americans! They will target shopping malls, apartment blocks and sports stadium. As part of a two-pronged attack, planes piloted by terrorists will crash into government buildings and national monuments, including the Washington Monument and Mt. Rushmore. “Like the plague, the war will escalate quickly. Iraq will join with the ‘Palestinians” and Iraqi troops will then be joined by others from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. “In the first week of November, President Bush will address the nation, announcing that ‘American interests re being threatened and “we can no longer remain on the sidelines” Russia and China will adopt similar postures. Russia will align itself with the U.S., and China with the Arabs. A brief, bloody, global confrontation will ensue. America will emerge victorious, but with great loss of life, and the economy in ruins. Enter the third Horseman – “Famine” With world commerce destroyed, by plague and war, crops will die and rot in the fields. Starvation will stalk not only the Third World, but the richest nations as well. But when things are at their very worst, and the (Northern Hemisphere) winter bites hard, the fourth Horseman makes his appearance. “This rider was not “Death” as in Revelation, but becomes “Hope” his hand he is holding a stone tablet, on which is inscribed a prayer. Mother Theresa insisted that this prayer will be spiritual suit of armour, protecting all who say it from the devastation wrought by the first three Horseman. A miracle will be witnessed by millions of New Yorkers at the site of the Twin towers. The towers will appear to rise again, and those who died will be seen wearing garments of purest white. The vision will last for almost a full day, before vanishing into the darkness of the evening. This will be a message of hope for the United States, and for the whole world. “HOPE” will be the promise of a new message from Our Lady of Fatima. Hundreds at the Shrine will witness the Virgin predicting victory in the war, and a 1000 years Era of Peace on earth. The Blessed Virgin will disclose a 2000 year old secret – the date of her Divine Son’s return. Mother Theresa stated that the Second Coming of Christ MUST come within the lifetimes of most of the faithful who are now less than eighty years of age. Mother Theresa then gave the prayer of salvation, which follows at the end of this account. She then clasped her hand together, closed her eyes, and with an appearance of great peace and serenity, was taken to join the other saints and martyrs. Mother Theresa did not disclose what the final outcome of the disasters would be. However, she left her witnesses with no doubt as to the immense power of the prayer she had revealed to them, the prayer inscribed on the stone tablet borne by the fourth Horseman: the one who had been transformed from “Death” to “Hope” Prayer. “O Lord God, lead me from death to life; from lies to truth. Lead me from despair to hope; from fear to truth. Lead me from hatred to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world and our universe.”
PEACE! PEACE! PEACE! If you have time, please pass this message to our relatives and friends.


Posted -
2003/4/13 下午 11:14:17

Sorry, 中文點解呀!


Posted -
2003/4/14 下午 03:37:29

大體上修女是預言了1997後(她過世後)六七年間將發生的世界大事 - 9.11;美依之戰;本拉登的真面目;2002年下旬的從亞洲開始的疫症......


Posted -
2003/4/21 下午 05:56:04



Posted -
2003/4/21 下午 11:36:05



Posted -
2003/4/22 上午 11:04:42

Quite so - I think most of the answers are in Revelation 6 and at its last chapter.

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