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Posted -
2004/5/31 下午 05:59:22

1) We presume the prayer is made by a person in grace directed to God Himself.

2) We presume prayer here means specifically supplication and intercession.

3) The notion of the "Will of God" is not so clear. A possible confusion could be to regard the Will of God to be some sort of "pre-destined" Will of God as if the Will of God could not change due to any circumstances (be that be the prayer of the just or not).

Any Comments?


Posted -
2004/6/5 下午 08:06:10

St. Liguori wrote a book concerning prayer, in which he distinguished the "will of God" into "antecedent" and "consequent" in a logical manner.

Whenever we pray to God so as to obtain from him the graces. If, God so wishes that He would grant a particular grace in view of the merit of a prayer, then His will before the prayer took place is the "antecedent", while that which is after the prayer is the "consequent".

Does prayer change God's will? It depends on how you understand by the "Will" of God. But it belongs to Christian Faith that prayer can (somehow) effect God's bestowing of grace.


Posted -
2004/12/16 上午 12:45:19



Posted -
2004/12/16 下午 06:18:53


The Great Means of Salvation and Perfection


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