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Posted -
2003/6/4 下午 12:21:22

In my parish, the general intercessions are promulgated every Saturday by (?). The liturgy group isn't responsible for it, nor the readers' group. Sometimes we have some curiously 'biased' intercessions - in one week, the entire English general intercession was solely for sailors (that was just a mass on a OT Sunday, not with any particular intention, nor any feast day or solemnity). That was last year.
Last week, the English version was along the same line as the Chinese, but worded in a mucyh more appropriate manner. The chinese version was meant for ALL the Chinese masses for that Sunday (& Sat.). It contained wording that are biased, accusational and overtly political, and casted great doubts on the credibility of its contents (mind you, the english ones are of the same content, same intentions, but NOT baised, nor accusatory).
Many parishioners are worried.

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