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Posted -
2006/10/12 上午 09:03:58


最近讀Klaus Gamber所著的一本書,名為《The Modern Rite - Collected Essays on the Reform of the Liturgy》。若該段報道所言屬實,則是否標誌著:「禮儀革新」的進程,需依照另一條軌跡前行?

Gamber強調禮儀的「有機成長」(organic growth),現時的新訂禮書,蘊含著成為「僵化」禮儀的危險。他主張至少要將「古典羅馬禮」和現時的「打造羅馬禮」(他以「fabrication」一字來形容)並行使用,方可顯示教會禮儀的在歷史上的連續性。



Posted -
2006/10/14 上午 12:43:03


事實上在1969年已故的賴菲爾總主教Mgsr. Marcel .Lefebvre 在瑞士建立了聖庇護十世團體以反對梵蒂岡第二次大公會議某些改革,特別新彌撒允許地方語言代替拉丁文。經過十數年談判,最後在1988年賴菲爾總主教在未得教宗批准下非法祝聖四位主教而被絕罰。

今次教宗本篤十六世是為表明他要與聖庇護十世團體聯繫正常化。從他去年與聖庇護十世團體總會長Bishop Fellay見面便可看得出。要知道現任教宗(即舊日的拉辛格)曾多次與賴菲爾總主教談判多年,曾私下讚揚他是世紀偉人。

教宗上任已有一段時間,他建立了一個具體方向,在9月時候,他批准在法國成立一個由組織(Institute of Good shepherd)。這個小小團體乃由五位前聖庇護十世團體神父和修士在法國Bordeaux建立。

在已故教宗若望保祿二世在位期間,曾頒佈天主的教會Ecclesia Dei詔書,允許脫利騰拉丁文彌撒可在地方主教批准的下舉行。但有很多地方主教沒有陳主教這樣開放,只顧盲目地順從所謂"梵二精神"("Spirit of Vatican 2"),不准當地教區舉行脫利騰拉丁文彌撒,故此某些教區雖有教友多番申請,但至今仍未獲批,實屬非常可惜。現今教宗允許放寬使用舊禮拉丁文彌撒,應該會撤銷需要地方主教批准的規則。



脫利騰拉丁文彌撒以後去向,我只有祈求聖庇護五世轉禱,希望他能保佑他在位期間所頒佈詔書Quo Primum能永遠不會被人遺忘。



Posted -
2006/10/14 上午 07:01:49








教會的古語有謂:祈禱律制定信仰律(Legem credendi statuat lex supplicandi)。當大家對禮儀祈禱內容和虔敬態度的記憶,愈覺陌生時,對信仰的內容亦逐漸生疏了。然而,不少人在這階段,仍著力地去在禮儀中「添加」一些無關痛癢的東西(如:形形式式的「本地化」和「迎合現代人潮流口味」的表達方式),以致禮儀本身變得愈見表面,加速地被人遺忘。







Posted -
2006/10/20 下午 05:17:54

Universal Indult for Tridentine Mass?
-catholicanalysis Oswald Sobrino

Normally, I don't engage rumors on this site; but the idea of the Pope granting a universal indult or permission for celebration of the Tridentine Latin Mass is so attractive in itself that I must comment, even before we have heard anything one way or another from the Vatican today or in the coming days. First, it is reasonable to expect something along these lines given that Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger expressed dismay in his writings before becoming Pope with the absurdly drastic prohibitiion of the Tridentine Mass. Second, at the most recent consistory of cardinals, the topic was, from all indications, on the table for discussion.

My own personal view of the matter follows. A universal indult is a powerful statement exposing the lie of Catholic liberals who falsely view Vatican II as representing a break between two different Churches: the pre-Vatican II Church and the post-Vatican II Church. There is only one Church, both before, during, and after Vatican II. The liberal lie is what fueled and fuels so much confusion and outright heresy in liturgical practices and especially in moral teaching, not to mention the heresies about fundamental dogmas of the Church. Giving universal permission for Latin rite priests to celebrate the Tridentine Mass powerfully exposes the liberal lie of discontinuity. A universal indult affirms the continuity of the Church right through Vatican II.

But we should not unduly romanticize the pre-Vatican II way of celebrating Mass. I recall hearing Fr. Benedict Groeschel once comment that in some cases his generation simply "mumbled" the Mass in Latin (Note to readers: Fr. Groeschel was not referring to all celebrations, nor was he in any way expressing disrespect or hostility toward the Tridentine Mass but merely stating an offhand observation.) Most Tridentine Masses today are and must be much, much better than that. In an ironic sort of way, more reverent celebrations of the Tridentine Mass will also be a legacy of Vatican II. And, remember, that so many so-called "devout" Catholics, both young and old, of the pre-Vatican II era just fell off the moral cliff in the sixties and seventies. They embraced contraception and the rest of American culture's sexual revolution without skipping a beat. Reform was needed. A universal call to continuing and deeper Christocentric conversion was needed. We got it in Vatican II. Now, it's time to finish the job by allowing a universal rebirth of the Tridentine Mass, alongside the liturgy of Vatican II.

This side-by-side liturgical co-existence is quintessentially and historically Catholic. We are a Church of various rites, even within the Latin rite itself. Liturgical diversity--as long as it is reverent and orthodox--is part of the Catholic tradition. There is no reason to single out the Tridentine Mass for special proscription or restriction. In addition, as a firm believer that human nature requires the pressures of competition, I view the existence of more parishes with truly reverent and well-done Tridentine liturgies as something that will naturally spur greater reverence and dignity in Vatican II Masses. Even if some or many of our clerics lack a high-minded vision of liturgy, I predict that not a few will likely start improving parish liturgies simply out of fear of losing cash-contributing parishioners. That mercenary motivation is not what I would prefer, but I will be happy to take the good results that may come of it.

Personally, I do not attend Tridentine liturgies. If there is a universal indult, I may have greater opportunities to do so and may indeed take up those opportunities. But there is something fundamentally unjust, "unCatholic," and totalitarian in nature in proscribing the great Tridentine Mass or in hemming it in with so many obnoxious restrictions and barriers. It's time for the wall to fall, once and for all. As Blessed John XXIII famously said long ago (I paraphrase), let's open the windows and let some fresh air into the Church. We will all be the better for it. When the liberals howl, just remember that there is nothing to fear. We will simply be richer for having the Tridentine Mass back with full dignity.


Posted -
2006/10/23 下午 09:48:10



Posted -
2006/10/23 下午 10:11:36



Posted -
2006/10/23 下午 10:52:15

When the liberals howl, just remember that there is nothing to fear.


Posted -
2006/10/24 上午 09:42:23






Posted -
2006/10/24 下午 04:27:07

Oh, too good to be true!! I love Latin mass very much! ... hope there'll be daily Latin Mass


Posted -
2006/10/25 下午 12:49:45

Recently search page from the National Post of Oct 18,2006.

** Latin's second coming **
Barbara Kay, National Post



Posted -
2006/10/25 下午 09:56:05






Posted -
2006/10/25 下午 10:05:06






Posted -
2006/10/26 下午 10:16:22

This time, maybe it is not a rumor, because after these things have been widely bruited about in the major media for a serveral weeks, until now, there are no denials coming from the Vatican. By the way, these rumors are coming from numerous sources, are being carried in major media throughout Christendom.

Therefore, I think that this time, it is the real thing. I am pretty confident that, it will release on or before Advent this year.
However, I had think out serveral questions that occur to me recently, that's what we need to deal with neccessary if these rumor is true.

1.) Aside from the Mass itself, will priests also be expected to offer other sacraments according to the pre-Vatican II rites, such as funerals, weddings, and baptisms? If many priests lack familiarity with the older Mass, even fewer would feel at ease with these more occasional sacraments.

2.) Will liturgical preparation in seminaries need to be revised? “If there is going to be a universal indult, then seminaries would feel honor-bound to offer courses to prepare priests to celebrate both rites,”therefore, the seminary must offer some course to seminarians, buy who able to teach these courses??

3.) How about the church architecture? “I think it's very difficult to celebrate the Tridentine rite in a post-Vatican II church,”and “Will we have to move the altars back and forth? Will we have to install altar rails?”

4.) Assuming the liberalization applies to the 1962 version of the Roman Missal, the last version before Vatican II, where will people find it? although I knew some bookshop have offered this sort of missal, but some countries, (even Hong Kong) there is absolutely difficult to find one, therefore, It would have to be reprinted and distributed quickly.

5.) Will the normal expectation be for celebration of the “low Mass” according to the tridentine rite, or the far more complex “Solemn or high Mass?” If the latter, then various other ministers and a choir conversant in older musical scores, at a minimum, would be required, and that could be problematic in many places.

Apart from the above questions, there are two more significant obstacles to a wide celebration of this rite:

1) Few priests have the interest or ability to say the Tridentine Latin Mass, and it would take time for them to get prepared and trained to say it.

2) Many bishops would not look favorably on their priests exercising this liturgical option. As a result, many priests would refrain from doing so lest they incur their bishop's displeasure and wind up with punitive actions or career-limiting moves being taken against them.

In fact, I support universal permission to celebrate the Tridentine Rite of Mass, but I'd note that the existence of such a permission would not necessarily change a lot in short period.

Finally, I only but pray for all priests can use the tridentine rite without restricted.

Saint Pius V --- Pray for us!!
Saint Pius X --- Pray for us!!


Posted -
2006/10/27 下午 11:36:38







Posted -
2006/10/28 上午 02:00:37

Monday, October 16, 2006

How Tradition-Hating Bishops Will Get Around The Motu Proprio
(Don't say I didn't warn you)

Loop-holing The Motu Proprio "Universal" Indult for the Tridentine Mass


Posted -
2006/10/28 上午 07:41:32





In France, Cardinal Arinze Decries Liturgical Abuses


Posted -
2006/11/10 下午 02:29:41

Today the French bishops opened a meeting at Lourdes, and in his capacity as president of the episcopal conference, Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard made the opening speech.

Cardinal Ricard reassures the French Episcopacy

In the course of his address, Cardinal Ricard used the word peur (fear) 11 times, and confiance (confidence, trust) 15 times. He was urging his brother bishops not to panic.

Why would the French bishops be inclined toward panic?

– Because their parish churches are empty, their seminaries emptier, and Catholic parents aren’t bothering to bring their children for Baptism? No.

– Because divorce, abortion, fornication, and sodomy are rife; and momentum is building toward general social acceptance of euthanasia and human cloning? No.

– Because Islam now has more practical impact on public policy than Catholicism, in the country once proud to be known as the "eldest daughter of the Church?" No.

– Because the Holy Father might sign a document allowing priests to celebrate Mass using the Tridentine rite? Yup, that’s it.


Posted -
2006/11/13 下午 11:02:05

The Mass of Saint Pius V: The French Bishops Raise a Shout with the Pope


Posted -
2006/11/13 下午 11:52:18

本人 奧思定 對法國主教們 就"放寬使用...脫利騰拉丁文彌撒後, 會如何...危及...教會禮儀一致性" 的憂慮深表讚同:

法國主教們 擔憂教會禮儀一致性...的苦心, 真是太令人感激涕零了.

他們的話, 真發人深省.

一個圖文並茂的憂慮: 放寬使用...脫利騰拉丁文彌撒...如何危及...禮儀一致性.....


Posted -
2006/11/18 上午 10:31:18






Posted -
2006/11/18 下午 12:04:00





Posted -
2006/11/20 下午 12:59:30


"The black mass其實只是反映團體的「心靈」問題、大家未嘗達致完整的皈依而矣?" incomplete conversion to...God, or to the devil?

I would not categorize the black mass in your link as an abuse of the traditional Mass nor of the Latin language.

The black mass is an entirely different ritual with a different end than the Tridentine mass.

I don't see how liturgical abuses we see in modern parishes (compared to the official Latin version of Novus Ordo Mass) could be paralleled to the black mass (compared to the Tridentine mass). Where is the analogy of proportionality?


Posted -
2006/11/20 下午 01:15:15

Minor abuses of offering the Tridentine mass like the fast low-voiced murmurings of prayers by the priest during a low mass could diminished the "solemnity" of the sung high mass. This is true.

However, the mass is still as dignified, provided the priest observed most of the clearly stated rubrics. It is still possible for the people to pray the mass in silence, which is also a form of "PARTICIPATIO ACTUOSA".

With a hand missal in vernacular-Latin parallel text, following "CONSCIOUSLY" all the prayers and readings of the priest is no more difficult than trying to concentrate in a noisy vernacular liturgical environment like during the sign of peace of the new mass, when you are forced to say hi to others while your real inner need is to prepare oneself for communion.

Some say it is legalism, but it is hierarchical order which the Scholastic school always has in the view of the universe.


Posted -
2006/11/22 上午 12:13:03



Posted -
2006/11/22 上午 08:54:06

The Letter Of Apology To His Bishop By the Celebrant of "Halloween Mass" (Source: Blog of Jimmy Akin)

November 8, 2006

Dear Bishop Brown:

Since 1998, when we first began celebrating liturgies here in Aliso Viejo, a particular dynamic has always been the youthfulness of our community with an obvious abundance of children. With this in mind, many of our programs have been developed to be of service to them and it was in this spirit that we began inviting children to wear their Halloween costumes to the Masses on the weekend prior to Halloween. Many parents inquired if they too could wear costumes so as to make it a family event, and thus, a Halloween tradition of having parishioners in costume at Mass was born. Based on our Catholic-Christian grounding of faith in Jesus Christ, we know that the assorted costumes of Halloween are a manner of poking fun and holding up to the light of Christ’s Resurrection the things that may have once frightened us.

I am aware that my enthusiasm for our family celebration of Halloween has caused me to neglect my pastoral duties of providing appropriate direction and instruction to our people regarding appropriate/inappropriate costumes. Prior to the weekend of October 28-29 I failed to adequately instruct our assorted liturgical ministers as to what might be appropriate apparel for their ministry. Because of this oversight on my part, we had some lay ministers of communion attired in devil horns and assorted other costumes that, in hindsight, I could easily have prevented if I had been more attentive to my pastoral duties. Bishop Brown, I stress to you the goodness and faith-filled integrity of the ministers who were so attired, they are some of our most involved and faithful members. They accepted me at my word in regards to their costume making fun of fearful things, and would be mortified to think that they gave offense to people of good faith. The lay ministers are innocent of any wrongdoing, the offense is mine and I take full responsibility.

I realize that my pastoral neglect and lack of prudent judgment has caused great concern and offense to many in the Church. I have given my life as a priest to the Church of the Diocese of Orange and it causes me great pain to realize that my lapse in judgment could so easily transform a wonderful family tradition into something questionable and repugnant to people of good faith. From my heart I apologize to you and to the larger community of the faithful for my pastoral neglect.

I await your counsel and assistance in determining an appropriate manner of making amends for this matter.

Sincerely, Reverend Fred K. Bailey

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