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Posted -
2007/2/18 上午 05:56:28

一間聖堂只可放一"聖體櫃", 那麼付屬小堂可放多一個嗎?


Posted -
2007/2/18 上午 10:49:33

但我見溫哥華有好幾間聖堂在同地方,都有大堂而小堂在外!! 而大聖堂的和小聖堂都有聖體櫃 - 都有著聖體燈! 因教友不多,每朝早做彌撒都在小堂內,但他們都會將少許聖體聖血放在小堂的祭台上,而彌撒完後都會拿回祭衣房的!


Posted -
2007/2/18 下午 03:17:54



314. 應按教堂的設計,和當地的合法習慣,在教堂某高貴、重要、顯眼、裝飾雅緻,和適宜祈禱的地方,將至聖聖體保存於聖體龕(tabernaculum)內 [123] 。
按常規,教堂內只該有一個聖體龕,且應是不能移動和堅固的,又應是不易破碎和不透明的,並要常常鎖好,以儘量避免褻瀆的危險 [124] 。聖體龕在使用前,宜按《羅馬禮書》的儀式,予以祝福 [125] 。

315. 為能更符合其象徵意義,保存至聖聖體的聖體龕,不應安置在舉行彌撒的祭台上 [126] 。



b)或置於另一小堂內,便於信友個人朝拜聖體及祈禱 [127] ;但小堂要和教堂相通,並且易為信友目睹。

316. 按照傳統習慣,在聖體龕旁,應點亮特殊的長明燈,燃料可採用油或蠟,用以指示,並尊敬基督的臨在 [128] 。

317. 其他有關保存至聖聖體的法規,無一可以忽略 [129] 。


Posted -
2007/2/19 上午 12:19:26






Posted -
2007/2/19 上午 08:56:35

Keith Fournier: Bring The Tabernacle Back Into The Sanctuary


Posted -
2007/2/19 上午 09:10:46


不過,曾有神學家(如Romano Amerio在《Iota Unum》一書)指出,背向聖體櫃(「約櫃」)舉行彌撒,就方位及其標記意義而言,可能仍不甚理想。也許大家可以考慮,讓神父「向著」聖體櫃方向獻祭......


Posted -
2007/2/19 下午 01:53:38

很感謝! 那裡的聯網資料很豊富!



Posted -
2007/2/20 下午 08:47:52

其實我堂區本來有兩個聖體櫃, 各自在大聖堂及另一在小聖堂內, 但因只可一個為由, 最近只現於小堂內! 本來都有點傷感,少了一個, 細想下實有其原因!! 或許因此為使更多更多教友定時來祈禱,默想,省察,修和,及朝拜聖體?! 希望..


Posted -
2007/2/20 下午 09:51:48

採錄自 " 監督蔡浩偉主教聖體年牧函"...
並受到聖施禮華榜樣的感召,我們刻意的去聖體櫃誠摯的告訴已成為聖體的耶穌:「我今虔誠朝拜!Adoro te devote!」讓我們要求自己達到這個目標,因為我們生命的價值取決於虔敬聖體的程度。



Posted -
2007/3/19 上午 09:23:47

On the Eucharist
"It Nourishes That Profound Joy in Believers"
VATICAN CITY, MARCH 18, 2007 (Zenit.org)- Here is the Vatican translation of the address Benedict XVI delivered today before reciting the midday Angelus with several thousand people gathered in St. Peter’s Square.


* * *
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I have just returned from Casal del Marmo, the reformatory for minors in Rome, where I went to visit on this Fourth Sunday of Lent, in Latin called Laetare Sunday, that is, "Rejoice", from the first word of the entrance antiphon in the liturgy of Mass.

The liturgy today invites us to rejoice because Easter, the day of Christ's victory over sin and death, is approaching. But where is the source of Christian joy to be found if not in the Eucharist, which Christ left us as spiritual Food while we are pilgrims on this earth?

The Eucharist nurtures in believers of every epoch that deep joy which makes us one with love and peace and originates from communion with God and with our brothers and sisters.

Last Tuesday the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis was presented. Its theme, precisely, is the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Church's life and mission. I wrote it gathering the fruits of the 11th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which took place in the Vatican in October 2005.

I mean to return to this important text, but I want to emphasize from this moment that it is an expression of the universal Church's faith in the Eucharistic Mystery and is in continuity with the Second Vatican Council and the Magisterium of my venerable Predecessors, Paul VI and John Paul II.

In this Document, I wanted among other things to highlight its connection with the Encyclical Deus Caritas Est: that is why I chose as its title Sacramentum Caritatis, taking up St Thomas Aquinas' beautiful definition of the Eucharist (cf. Summa Th. III, q. 73, a. 3, ad 3), the "Sacrament of charity".

Yes, in the Eucharist Christ wanted to give us his love, which impelled him to offer his life for us on the Cross. At the Last Supper, in washing the disciples' feet, Jesus left us the commandment of love: "even as I have loved you, that you also love one another" (Jn 13:34).

However, since this is only possible by remaining united to him like branches to the vine (cf. Jn 15:1-8), he chose to remain with us himself in the Eucharist so that we could remain in him.

When, therefore, we nourish ourselves with faith on his Body and Blood, his love passes into us and makes us capable in turn of laying down our lives for our brethren (cf. I Jn 3:16) and not to grasp it for ourselves. From this flows Christian joy, the joy of love and the joy to be loved.

Mary is the "Woman of the Eucharist" par excellence, a masterpiece of divine grace: the love of God has made her immaculate, "holy and blameless before him" (cf. Eph 1:4).

At her side, as Custodian of the Redeemer, God placed St Joseph, whose liturgical Solemnity we will be celebrating tomorrow. I invoke this great Saint, my Patron, in particular so that by believing, celebrating and living the Eucharistic Mystery with faith, the People of God will be pervaded by Christ's love and spread its fruits of joy and peace to all humanity.

[After praying the Angelus, the Pope greeted pilgrims in several languages. In English he said:]

I extend warm greetings to all the English-speaking pilgrims gathered for today's Angelus. Continuing our journey towards the Paschal feast, we are reminded in this Sunday's Gospel of the heavenly Father's boundless love. May the riches of his infinite mercy fill you with peace and joy this Lenten season. Upon you and your families I invoke God's abundant blessings.

I wish you all a good Sunday!

~ ~ ~
Eucharist Enables Mandate of Love, Says Pope
Dedicates Address to "Sacramentum Caritatis"


Posted -
2007/3/20 上午 03:11:47



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