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Posted -
2008/5/9 下午 06:08:22






Posted -
2008/5/9 下午 10:35:06






當然,open mind不等於我們要為改變而改變,沒有重大的原因和困難,為何不堅守法律和傳承?但刻意去遷就人而改變法律和傳承,為迎合年青人而辧另類彌撒又是否必要?試想:信仰本身就是叫人皈依,要求人改變,而不是改變信仰而迎合人。


Posted -
2008/5/10 上午 12:23:47







Posted -
2008/5/10 下午 06:54:14






Posted -
2008/5/10 下午 11:30:12


Whether Christ really intends or requires the use of wheat bread is totally irrelevant. Christ entrusted that decision to the Church. Christ may have used wheat bread due to circumstances in the 1st century. That does not imply: since Christ did not specifically require wheat, then the matter is open to everyone: why? since it is the Church, not you and me, to decide it.

The Church has NO RESPONSIBILITY before anyone anywhere on Earth to explain, or to convince, or to persuade him/her to accept why unleaven wheat is the only matter proper.

Why? Because that authority is delegated to the Church by Christ Himself.

If the Church promulgates rice, or cookie or whatever, instead of wheat, to be the matter (in response to a hypothetical shortage of wheat on the Earth), then the whole Church must follow that instruction. Of course, the Church must be faithful to her Tradition, a part of her identity.


Posted -
2008/5/10 下午 11:41:47

A common misunderstanding is: since the Church does not "fully" explain/convince/persuade me why Palestinian-styled-unleaven-Middle Eastern-wheat bread is designated to be the proper matter, I "therefore" "have" the "freedom" to choose the matter according to circumstances.

The Church is accountable to God alone, not to men. The Church in her wisdom, under the continuity of Tradition, kept the discipline of using unleaven bread for Mass. She does not need to convince anyone so that they may accept it. It is purely the proper governing power of the Church.

Holy Mother Church never was, and is not a "democratic" parliment convincing everyone before she made a decision. She relies on the guidance of the Holy Ghost, not the rhetoric of politicians!


Posted -
2008/5/11 上午 12:12:14






若說「教宗(或教會當權者)只需要向天主負責,而不需要向人負責,She does not need to convince anyone so that they may accept it.」,我不敢苟同。


Posted -
2008/5/11 上午 12:35:52





Posted -
2008/5/11 下午 04:15:14

Dear brethren,

Long time no see. I think several points have to be clarified.

It should be noted that according to the binding, definitive and irreformable Catholic doctrine taught by the ordinary and universal magisterium of the Church, the valid matter for Eucharistic consecration is wheat bread alone, leavened or unleavened. The use of an invalid matter (e.g. non-wheat bread such as rice-bread) results in invalid celebration. Canonically speaking, the crime is called "simulation" of sacrament and it is punishable by law and reserved to the Holy See. The Church declares invalid (and sacrilegious, if willfully done) any celebration of Eucharist using invalid matters because in these celebrations no Real Presence of Christ has been resulted, and the faithful have been induced to worship a thing that is other than God.

It should also be noted that the use of unleavened bread is a sacred tradition of the Latin Rite. It is a condition for licit (lawful) celebration rather than "valid" celebration. The Eastern Churches use leavened bread for consecrating the Eucharist.

The hypothetical condition of wheat extinction simply doesn't hold. If Christ sollemnly promised that he would always be with the Church before the His glorious coming, then the Seven Sacraments will remain with us, since these are the constitutive elements of the Church. For similar reason, we must reject the hypothetical possibility of "extinction" of apostolic succession of the Petrine office as completely contrary to the Catholic Faith. If what our Faith holds are to be true, then their contrary must be false.

We must further observe that in the economy of salvation the Son of God did make use of certain matters (and even specific human beings) for the benefits and service of (other) human beings. Christianity is fundamentally different from Gnosticism. We acknowledge the materiality of human beings, and understand matter in a sacramental way. The choice of water, oil, wheat, human words and human body for administration of sacraments and conferring graces, and hence making our salvation in some sense "dependent" on these contingent matters and events, does pertains to the wise, inscrutable, mysterious and most holy Will of God, and we owe Him our humble, complete and unconditional obedience in faith if we are to follow the way of His Son.


Posted -
2008/5/11 下午 07:43:57




Posted -
2008/5/11 下午 11:07:58

其實,像Augustine兄所說,基督已經把權柄授予教會,教會所訂立的是final,end of story。

又如Edward兄所說,法律是如是說,end of story。




Posted -
2008/5/11 下午 11:48:08

Dear Jedi,

Nowadays people tend to think of "law" as certain extrinsic realities that put limitations and boundaries upon man's freedom. This is but a partial view.

However, the norms of faith do correspond to the ultimate realities of the revealed mysteries. Therefore they are absolute and unchangeable. For a religion that has Divine Revelation for its basis, God's word (as defined "transmitted either by scripture or tradition and proposed by either ordinary/universal or sollemn magisterium of the Church) are definitive and final. For a Catholic, he can open himself to a fuller understanding of these truths, but not to doubt them or to relativize what are to be held as absolute.

Jesus Himself said, "Iota unum aut unus apex non praeteribit a lege" (Mt 5:18-19). Even a stroke or a dot shall not be taken away from the law, so that every thing is fulfilled. We are also admonished by the Redeemer to advise our brothers to observe the laws with great faithfulness.

The laws regarding the conditions for validity and liceity of Sacraments have the truths of Catholic doctrine in view. From the Church's understanding and execution of Christ's words, we have been informed of the necessary condition to fulfill Christ's command to "Do this in memory of Me".

If the norms of validity are violated, no sacrament has occurred and the faithful would be objectively deprived of the expected sacramental grace from that so-called celebration. If the norms of liceity are violated, the sacrament would then be celebrated in an improper and irreverant manner which would ill-dispose the faithful for an adequate and worthy reception of the grace deriving from the sacraments.


Posted -
2008/5/11 下午 11:51:57





Posted -
2008/5/11 下午 11:56:51

「無酵麥餅」是否一個必需條件,耶穌沒有說清楚,我們也無法肯定答案.....Of course it is absolutely true.

But the problem is, it is so true that... it is irrelevant.

Why? although Christ did not orally or have written down the explicit mandate of using wheat as the matter, he DID orally and clearly stated:" Thou art Peter, and upon thou I shalt build my Church." That is, he entrusted the power to the Petrine Succession to govern the Catholic Church.

Note that this does not mean the mandate to use wheat bread, or is any other Ecclesiastical positive Law is "only" "human instituted" or "legalistic". Whereas the laws said explicitly in the Bible is not "only" "human instituted" or is "not legalistic".

It is equally "non-legalistic" to require that we not kill as to require wheat be used for mass.

It is dishonest to trying to build up the alleged rivalry or confrontation between: "essential" "central" "Christ directly said so" styled mandates (such as not to kill, lie or covert) between "legalistic", "Vatican directed" or "Pope said so" styled mandates (such as not to eat meat on Good Friday, not using contraceptives, go to confession at least once a year, or yes, using wheat for mass). The implication is, you got to judge what is "essential" or what is "non-legalistic" or what is "convincible" before you accept it.

We have a name for this faith-style: the cafeteria styled "catholicism".

The fact is, who hears the Church's magisterium, hears Christ Himself.

Christ said we could not kill - It is not legalistic
The Church magisterium said we use wheat for mass, equally not legalistic. AND there should never be a difference in degree of acceptance of the two, by Catholics.


Posted -
2008/5/12 上午 12:01:04








Posted -
2008/5/12 上午 12:17:45








Posted -
2008/5/12 上午 12:26:16

Just as "it is permissible to kill for self-defense" cannot render the mandate "thou shalt not kill" relative, or "non-essential to a Christian".

For example, while someone using cookies for mass could claim he "loves God and loves neighbors", but if he is aware of Christ's own biblical mandate to obey the Church, which is a part of Catholic virtue, a supernatural virtue, hence is an act of Charity towards Christ, which is fulfilling the command of "love God and (hence) love neighbor".

How does one "love neighbor" by obeying the Church? He does so by giving a good example and edifies others by not being a stumbling rock.

Christ says: "he who lovest me followst my words, he who doth not, lovest me not". Christ never said: My words equal - "love God and love men, that's it".


Posted -
2008/5/12 上午 12:31:12

Simon, do you believe Christ is an unmarried male during his earthly life? The Popes have not defined it under Infallibility.

Do you think it is necessary to go to confession (if under state of sin) before receiving communion in mass? But the popes have not infallibly defined it.....


Posted -
2008/5/12 上午 01:54:09


你問:「Do you believe Christ is (was) an unmarried male during his earthly life? The Popes have not defined it under Infallibility.」






Posted -
2008/5/12 下午 09:26:07



但與此同時,也應保持open-mind,耶穌的臨在不可能totally dependant 於物料之上。


Posted -
2008/5/13 上午 11:20:22




Posted -
2008/5/13 上午 11:52:11

Simon 一問:





Posted -
2008/5/13 下午 10:55:59

as Edward clearly pointed out: Wheat bread, leaven or not, is valid matter for the consecration.

In the East it is proper to their discipline, it is valid and licit.

In the West it is improper for the Latin Church Tradition and discipline to use leaven bread, however it does not prevent the mass from being valid.

The mass would be valid but illicit (unlawful), examples of such valid illicit masses would be such as:
Masses celebrated by an apostate priest, or a married clergy, or the (God forbids!) Black mass, which is valid but grave sacrilege.

「無酵」不是「必需條件」for validity, yes; for licitness, no: 最多只是「較好條件」罷了: there is no applicability of superiority or inferiority: even Roman Catholic Eastern Rite (under the governance of Rome) uses the leaven bread, although they are Roman Catholics. It is just they belong to different Rites.

However, the use of pure, unmixed with addictives wheat bread is a condition for validity under both Latin and Eastern Rites. I.E., cakes, cookies, hamburgers, rice, roast pork buns....out of bound.


Posted -
2008/5/13 下午 11:09:21


既然有酵或無酵餅都可以構成有效的聖體聖事,而如你所說,無酵不是比有酵好,那麼,羅馬天主教會為甚麼要鄭重地說「must use unleaven bread」?鄭重地叫人跟從一條守則,總有一個理由吧。


Posted -
2008/5/13 下午 11:17:47

The point is even if a dogma not yet defined solemnly with the seal of Infallibility, it is still a dogma that pertains to the Catholic Faith.

The use of wheat bread (unleaven in the Latin Church), although itself clarified under the form of a disciplinary pronouncement, in the Code of Canon Law and elsewhere, carries the dogmatic valor of one that pertains to the Catholic Faith and Morals, this valor supplied by the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium of the Church.

THe "Decretum pro Armenis (1439)" taught: "cujus materia est panis triticeus" - only wheaten bread.

There, the Pope did not solemnly defined in the particular manner specifically (required by the 1st Vatican Council) as regards Papal Infallibility, but it is still binding on the faithful = as part of Catholic Faith since it is a teaching of the ordinary and universal magisterium, and on top of that, it has a magisterial document mandating it.

Not all Catholic Faith are solemnly defined, exmaples are numerous, that Christ is unmarried all his life, that Christ did not have brothers and sisters, the existence of Guardian Angels, Our Lady as the most elevated created beings...etc.

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