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Posted -
2002/10/17 下午 07:38:14

禮儀本地化已在教會內引起廣泛的討論,其實真的需要本地化嗎??? 以下是本人的疑問?
(1) 兒童彌撒-有很多堂區,開始有兒童彌撒,由一班小朋友讀經,接著有話劇,乜真係需要有咩??
(2) 證道-彌撒中有需要證道嗎?


Posted -
2002/10/18 上午 11:50:36

Homily, if it is well prepared and relevant to the day and Lessons, is pastorally very important.

And drama in the Church, if it's just for the kids, and is really good for them, I think is OK, provided no irreverence is done to the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle and the altar.

But I object these dramas on solemn feasts eg. Christmas and Pentacost, because there will be a lot of adults there who wish to hear an inspiring Homily rather than to watch a drama.

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