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Posted -
2002/3/7 下午 06:10:37

Cecil has told me that she will NOT respond to threads on the reading group at the Parish from today onwards.
Well, I am a member of the Parish, too. But like you, I will not disclose my identity for now.
You can always go and speak to her on your bright ideas, which may help the Parish.
If you are a grown up mature person, you will heed my advice.


Posted -
2002/3/7 下午 06:17:48

Oh yea, Cecil says that I am her 'speaker' here - she tells you that if you sincerely want to contribute to the reading group, go back to join the group discussion with the Council Representative tomorrow evening. Your bright ideas will be discussed by choir leaders, eucharistic ministers, and last but not the least, the PP.
They will meet together. Otherwise she is not the maker of the Council's decisions and could not entertain your questions and suggestions here, since what's being asnwered will not necessarily be adopted by the Group.


Posted -
2002/3/7 下午 06:19:16

Sorry - I missed out the date of the meeting - after way of the cross tomorrow.


Posted -
2002/3/7 下午 06:19:44




Posted -
2002/3/8 上午 01:12:24

Reading all this, I am beginning to understand that why lay ministry never works at all.

May be that is also why laity remain subordinate to clergy.



Posted -
2002/3/8 上午 01:17:26

And may be thats the way to go with Catholics.
And may be laity has too much bitterness.
And may be ...


Posted -
2002/3/8 上午 10:24:12

Lay ministry, in order to work, has to be built on mutual trust and respect.
You will no doubt realise from the postings here between my colleague Cecil and someone known as Ng Shun Chiu that there is already a long standing history of mutual distrust and even hostilities among different fractions. One fraction (Ng's fraction) was totally put off by the unexpected turn of events earlier, when the new group leader was being appointed (instead of being elected) 'without their knowing'. This was so because they never attended the group meetings for more than one year at least, and virtually cut themselves off by their absence.
How can there be lay ministry without participation? Why was participation so low?
In a large parish like this, lay ministry is required, but do the faithful there like lay ministry? Honestly, they don't! What they like is to pull the strings of the parish priest to do things that would please them. IF they fail to do so, they became bitter and uncooperative. That's what's happneing now.


Posted -
2002/3/8 上午 11:52:49

"那些老太太們可能返錯了教會了,她們可能以為自己是在基督教的congregational church,天主教會在梵二前一直是家長制的,幾時有給信友否決權了.
她們同不同意也可"摺埋佢". 和她們打招呼只是比面她們吧了".
Got this passage from Mr Handsome next door. NgShunChiu should be made aware of this too before he points his fingers at people and things that he doesn't like.


Posted -
2002/3/8 下午 12:20:26



Posted -
2002/3/8 下午 12:43:23

hope I am mature enough to response here.
I think Steve said a good pt here.
We, as laity are full of distrust and respect to others. If being so, lay ministry will never work.
Lay ministry is a calling, not a status, but when you refected on the posting, you will see that they "DON'T" treat it as calling. the think it is a "pig head bond"
When a community has a problem, we blames other for their poor performance, and think we are better than others, we read bible daily, we serve our parish, we attend the meeting, and they don't, they better leave our community or group, so that we can improve. If being so, Where is our catholicity?


Posted -
2002/3/8 下午 12:47:00

Actually I'm older than most of you here.
One point - lay ministry is important. I am not Cissie and I can tell you that this never worked in our Parish.
Why? "cos there is always some 'strong' laity there saying that so and so should leave - and this, according to Cissie, never worked for her group so far because she has been standing stoutly against this!


Posted -
2002/3/8 下午 12:51:15

Josemaria, my posting just telling you the fact, it doesn't mean that I agree this pactrice. When I was in San Francisco, Archbishop Quinns closed ten parishes in the city, then the parishioner appeal to Rome. They won, since the archbishop forgot to consult the council of priests. However, after the vedict, archbishop called the council meeting, then the parishes was closed again. You can find this case in "Jurist", published by the Canon law society of america.
One thing is, when archbishop quinns retired, the new archbishop reopen some of those churches. The new archbishop was one of his vicar generals then, but why he didn't against the closure.


Posted -
2002/3/8 下午 02:20:17

Nor do I for this matter - I was just referring this Big Bro. Ng to open up and see what is there around, instead of just living in the ivory tower and poising unjst comments on the innocent laity who neither has the power nor the support required to run a successful lay ministry.
By the way, do not say that there is NO lay ministry in the parish.
There IS - from the most authoritative lay woman in our Diocese (not just our parish, you see). She stands just next to the big five in our diocese (you know what I mean). Even the PP has to 'see the colour of her face', to a certain extent. But then, of course, she is VERY polite and 'innocent' in front of our PP, except that she is quite another when he is not around. HAHAHa. That is the same parish.


Posted -
2002/3/9 上午 09:12:17

Handsome 師兄,should you not start a new window titling "Lay Ministry". Perhaps this windown should be renamed as "Love and tear at big parish". Sorry of any offensive to any of my brothers and sisters. Indeed, coming from a small parish I am alarmed by the problems at "big parish".


Posted -
2002/3/9 下午 01:31:29

ACtually it is nothing alarming - the sins of sinners are persistently present in this real world, and human weaknesses manifest in various ways. In big and well-known parishes like this, it is nothing alarming indeed.
The need for perserverence is great to follow Christ's way carrying the cross with us.


Posted -
2002/5/16 下午 02:56:33



Posted -
2002/5/16 下午 04:24:17






Posted -
2002/5/17 上午 10:06:03

'用'聖經來作靈修,是很好的建立跟天主關係的途徑,所以,教區會議提供信友勤做聖言誦讀(lectio divina),吳岳清神父也為信友開設這方面的課程,不宜錯過。


Posted -
2002/5/17 下午 02:08:06



Posted -
2002/5/17 下午 03:38:53




Lectio divina這種聖經祈禱方式,我認為只對那些已對聖經及祈禱有濃厚習慣的教友有吸引力──這只是瞻仰臨在聖經中的天主的眾多方法之中的一種。「喜歡看聖經」與「喜歡祈禱」一樣,是需要「修」的德行,不能單訴諸「興趣」和「感受」的。我們要深信聖經是天主的話,並有著謙誠聆聽、在生活中遵行的心──這些都是超性的傾向。

「不需要很多神修工夫」的Lectio divina,做一次兩次可能覺得很過癮,但能否持之以恆,卻是很大的疑問。


Posted -
2002/5/21 下午 01:39:53



Posted -
2002/5/22 上午 09:54:00

個人認為,這關乎信德 - 看你有多重視天主和你的'關係' - 重視的,就會尋找祂的'話'了,而且,是常有啟發的'話'.


Posted -
2002/5/22 下午 01:39:45



Posted -
2002/5/22 下午 03:05:01

有團體,可以互相支援,這是'信仰小團體'的作用;但很多時,團體以少數服從多數,而多數不讀聖經,這就是問題了 - 好像鄙人堂區的'讀經團體',就是了(一如吳神父所笑說的,是"讀經(完)",在禮儀中讀完就算的讀經員!


Posted -
2002/5/22 下午 09:05:15




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