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全部區域 > 倫理 > 社會倫理 > What is the content of this principle?

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Posted -
2001/7/18 下午 05:36:31

"The Terms of Reference of the Commission specify that in complying with these broad directives the Commission will witness to and proclaim its commitment to Jesus Christ and to the truths and values of God’s Kingdom; operate in accord with the principle of subsidarity; and keep itself informed of major Church and government statements on education, integrating these into its own activities."
Those are the backbone of the Western Australia Catholic Education Commission.
What is interesting is its reference to "the principle of subsidarity" as taught by the Catholic Church.
Any information on this principle? How far does the Diocese in Hong Kong abide by this? Any examples?


Posted -
2001/7/19 上午 10:26:07

教宗庇護十一世於一九三一年在《四十週年》中提出此項原則.意即個人能做的團體不應干涉,較小團體能做的較大團體不能越俎代庖. 應用於此處應是指教會辦學的自主性.


Posted -
2001/7/19 下午 01:08:41

且看教會可否起到帶動作用了 - 歐共體aim at 正這原則。

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