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Posted -
2002/5/14 下午 05:51:54




Posted -
2002/5/16 上午 10:00:02

這裡需要有的是不計個人後果的勇氣,即moral strength prevails over all:我不入地獄,誰入地獄?
不像某些大專生,純為交工課而試法,到頭來人家要出頭為他們開脫 - 正一盞攪兼夾晒時間。


Posted -
2002/5/16 上午 10:59:11

A lot of reflections on this has been done within the Diocese already, like the Justice and Peace Commission.
I have heard some authoritation theologian speaking on this, and views do diverge, though at the end of the day, the agreed premise stands undivided.
Do not just pinpoint on the POO - this incident alone speaks not so much of the underlying concerns of the jurisprudential concerns. Arresting those frequent offenders enough justifies the exercise of the law, though the law itself may call for improvement. On a case by case basis, the POO is alright. But if we want a peace of 'beautifully humanistic' legislation, it of course would not measure up. I wonder how many secular laws would measure up.
The theological enquiry into civil disobedience is an interesting one. I remember Rev. J. de Pedro mentioned very adamantly in his lecture (in response to Martin Lee's question) that he considers social order and peace as something paramount - not to be upset unless there is no other choice.
If there is choice to persuade, to legislate, to solicit opinions, then there is no question of civil disobedience - to push for such would be anti-Christian.


Posted -
2002/5/16 上午 11:06:27


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