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Posted -
2003/7/8 上午 09:54:21

I would analyse as follows:
The CE actually has the power under the BL to dismiss the Legislative Council, so actually he HAS the power to push through things if he wants to.
However, Beijing still wants the One Country two systems game. Note that one country is in capitals, unlike what the Democrats say : they say one country TWO SYSTEMS in a way that tantamounts two countries. This is the first fundamental rift.
The second big concern, which concerns the Church, is the residual power of some diehard communists in Mainland. As long as the CCP still rules, some 'Christians' say that there will be NO freedom of religion.
How far is this true is in no way scientifically or statistically substantiated. The lurking fear however now becomes prevailing over the entire Diocese, after massive propaganda in Hong Kong.
Somehow the Church here links itself up with Falungong.
Is this approach ncessary? Helpful? Not to say 'right' or 'wrong', which I am in no position to judge.


Posted -
2003/7/10 上午 02:20:56



關於香港教區﹐其實一般的教友以至陳主教都不相信董政府及中國共產黨﹐所以會對相關的條文憂心忡忡。事實上﹐大家都知道董政府及中共的“track record”是怎樣﹐所以我們也很難怪一般教友覺得他們是不能信任的。當雙方是如此嚴重的缺乏互信的時候﹐一切的懷疑就只會越加越深。陳主教對中共的“信任”程度當然是很低﹔他對特區政府的信任也並不比對中共的高出多少。在這樣的情況下﹐很自然就會懷疑到這些不可信賴的對手會“胡作非為”。這其實不能說是主教的錯﹐況且﹐追究這“缺乏互信”是如何形成也未必能解決問題。然而﹐事到如今﹐在短期內也確難有恢復一些互信的方法。


Posted -
2003/7/10 下午 12:08:35

閣下跟鄙人真是'所見略同';陶傑是個有眼光的人,他對事物比較有一針見血和洞察先機的觀察.他的死門是 - 沒信仰,太悲觀.


Posted -
2003/7/14 上午 10:47:01




Posted -
2003/7/15 下午 12:33:09

英文版'人民日報'作出了對7.1的看法 - 香港是顛覆中央的基地.


Posted -
2003/7/15 下午 03:52:58

Indeed, 'we' consider that our march on 7.1 spontaneously made by HOng KOng people. None of us would think that the event was also being made use of by Falun Dafa. But is it true? Would the central government think so?
I always wonder why the diocese keeps on equating catholics with Falun Gong practitioners, and the Legion of Mary with the Falun Dafa - that association is a dissident faction from the Central PRC government. If you say that you are against the CCP, then most of the top people in Falun Dafa 'are' in fact that top notch of the originaly CCP!
When would catholics wake up?


Posted -
2003/7/16 上午 01:34:10




Dear Josemaria,

No, I personally don't think we need to link up ourselves with Fanlun Gong. But obviously, most Catholics out there do not feel the same. A friend of mine told me that the Communist proscribed the Legion of Mary in the Chinese Mainland in the 50's. So, he said that he had to march on July 1. Otherwise, chances are that the Legion of Mary in HK will get banned after the National Security Bill is passed in the Legco.

Did people like my friend over-react? I don't know. But some believe that today even our bishop can't give us an unbiased answer in that respect. I'm not losing faith in Bishop Zen, but I think we all need to calm down and reflect in this critical moment. Remember, we have the future of HK at stake.


Posted -
2003/7/16 上午 11:08:34

Let's put it this way: the way our Bishop approaches Falungong is that 'if they flop, we will flop', since it will similarly be under the banner of 'religion prohibited'.
Outsiders' views are : Falungong is a group dissident CCP commissars under the guise of a 'religion'. They are in this respect like the Tai Ping Tin Guo and the Boxer Movement, as any one with Chinese history knowledge would tell at once.
The Central government is bent on toppling Falungong at all cost.
Should catholics 'line themselves up' with them, so to speak? Is our strategy good? Valid? Over-reacted? Logical?
We are a religion over 2000 years old. Who is Li Hung Zhi, by the way? What are his teachings? Can we equate it with our Legion of Mary?


Posted -
2003/7/16 下午 04:02:25

Thank you for responding to my posting.
Are we losing faith in Bishop Zen? I for one am 'not'. Never do I for one moment doubt the integrity and goodwill of our Bishop.
As for those catholic politicians, I am much more sceptical. But they share one fundamental thing with the Bishop - the fear of the CCP.
I think for Chinese in the modern world, there is no one that is so 'naive' and oblivious about the CCP's past - at least those in the free Hong Kong society. We have undergone the '60's, the Cultural Revolution, the 1949 and '50's hardships.
Back in my own family, I have family members of the Chiang clique and the Mao clique (mind you, inner cliques, not just followers). My family background is not only political, but outright revolutionary.
And it is because of this very fact that I am very sceptical about what's going on now in HK, with the so-called democrats. Yea, if they got power, they would be another Chiang Kai Shek.
Nobody talks about Gen. Cheung Hok Leung and his would-be published book of memoirs. The power struggle between CCP and KMT had brought China so many hardships, so much bloodshed.
I for one like the marshal art stories of Jin Rong very much, especially his last one - Lu Ding Ji. IN the beginning of this story, Jin Rong wrote something that I consider containing the wealth of his wisdom as writer, journalist, merchant and scholar in an era of bloodshed and hardship - that the masses, when those going after power start 'chasing the deer' (ie struggle for power), the masses, like the deer, will die inevitably.
LIke Bishop Zen and Barrister Li, my family witnessed the toppling effect of the 1949 power struggle. We ended up in HK's outlying island, with illness and poverty savouring the grown members. Kids like me were left to the care of the govenment, the Church, the charitable organisations. Some family members emigrated to Taiwan, and survived the poverty. They built the new Taiwan with the Chiang's. With the coming of Li Deng Hui, however, all was gone.
What is wealth to us? What is liberty when your life is at stake?
Some family members stayed in China Mainland. They got thrown into jail during the cultural revolution. Now they are free as you could imagine, flying around the world with kids studying and emigrating abroad.
Who are we to judge what the future will hold?


Posted -
2003/7/16 下午 05:56:13

我個人對於向外國借勢反23的做法萬二分反對 - 這種'寧贈朋友,莫予家奴'的前清封建政府所用的手法,認真教人齒冷.
如果香港獨立是要借助外國勢力,那麼請不要預我一份.不要忘記:老共再衰一千陪也是咱們中國人自己種出來的猧 - 解鈴還需系鈴人.


Posted -
2003/7/18 下午 06:56:56

Dear Josemaria

Yeah, I agree with you. Like I said before, my grandfather had been a Major General in the Nationalist Army prior to the collapse of the Nationalist Government in the mainland. He witnessed all the political turbulence in China since the Japanese invasion. During the civil war, he saw many people becoming more and more discontented with the then ruling party. These people organized protests, demonstrations, and strike in an attempt to force the Nationalist government to reform and stop the civil war. When Chiang Kai-shek stubbornly refused, the crowds turned their back on the Nationalists and joined Mao's movement in the hope that the Communists can save China. After 4 years of economic distress and bloodshed, the CCP "liberalized" the country. The people were jubilant and many believed that China was on the road to democracy and prosperity under the CCP rule. But it all turned out to be a false dawn. Some of my grandparents' family members believed in Mao's revolution and opted for staying in China after the civil war. They were to be accused of ripping off the peasants and put into jail later in the "class struggle".

So, who can really judge? Who can say that we will definitely be better off if the HK democrats score an ultimate victory in the political struggle against the central government? Who knows for sure that they won't be a Chiang Kai-shek or a Mao Tse-tung? Mao had repeatedly said that he would bring freedom and democracy to the Chinese people. But what actually happened when he reigned? Did he introduce a truly democratic system as he claimed? Remember, the CCP regime was perceived to be extremely promising in its early days. So was the Nationalist regime in the mid-20's.

Even in some countries that have a so-called democratic system in place, their leaders still exhibit dictatorship. Just look at what President George W. Bush of United States has done and you'll see what I mean....

I also like the analogy in Jin Yong's "Lu Din Ji". Politicians go after the "deer"; the deer are "destinted to get slaughtered" no matter which party wins the power struggle. In our present situation, we need to consider if we are really willing to get ourselves deeply involved in the power struggle between the democrats and the central government, especially when the consequences can be very severe (maybe a replica of the Tiananmen incident). Even if the democrats win, we might still end up getting a dictator (e.g. Mao) or a dictator in disguise (see the US).


Posted -
2003/7/19 上午 02:51:42




香港獨立﹖這不會是民主黨裡一些人的hidden agenda吧﹖


Posted -
2003/7/21 上午 10:34:58



Posted -
2003/7/21 下午 03:37:45



Posted -
2003/7/21 下午 06:18:56

I like the article by 王金友last week in "The Sun":"香港危機的起因". To quote some good passages -
"自從今年初, 政府公布廿三條國家安全立法諮詢文件,並且不斷以保安局長拼死命推銷......三個多月以來,因為不是專家立法,由幾位文學士、英Ъ穠k壑h、香港殖民地法律旗手,以 '最古老’的[普通法和舊合同格式,拼湊出一部疊床架屋、盤根錯節、文字不通的所謂國安法草案條例。一公布,法律界嘩然、專家學者嘩然,絕大多數港人看不懂,更加吵吵嚷嚷。更且,保安局長,民建聯這一批左派保皇黨,為了強迫立法會通過......不惜以蠻橫,跋扈,剛愎,諷刺以及嘲笑的口吻說三道四......"
I couldn't help laughing me head off on this one.


Posted -
2003/7/21 下午 06:28:22

"以 '最古老’的普通法和舊合同格式,拼湊出一部疊床架屋、盤根錯節、文字不通的所謂國安法草案條例。一公布,法律界嘩然、專家學者嘩然,絕大多數港人看不懂,更加吵吵嚷嚷。"


Posted -
2003/7/21 下午 09:28:24




Posted -
2003/7/22 下午 03:15:21

好像布殊那般的bare majority,算甚麼?有人說(貓姐)你們可以vote him down. Well, he did not got the majority vote in the first place. However, his family members 'manipulated' the SYSTEM and he got the 'throne', and killed and killed and killed non-stop.
民主制度不是保證. 耶穌的福音才是保證.amen.


Posted -
2003/7/24 下午 04:18:24

Amidst threats and struggles, the Secretary for Security steps down.
Her tactics in promulgating Art. 23 were wrong, but who would have succeeded in the first place? Before Mrs. IP leaves office, I would offer her the song “The Last Rose of Summer” by Thomas Moore (18th c.), the lyrics which depicts her ever so aptly:-
"’TIS the last rose of summer
Left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions
Are faded and gone;
No flower of her kindred,
No rosebud is nigh,
To reflect back her blushes,
To give sigh for sigh.

I’ll not leave thee, thou lone one!
To pine on the stem;
Since the lovely are sleeping,
Go, sleep thou with them.
Thus kindly I scatter
Thy leaves o’er the bed,
Where thy mates of the garden
Lie scentless and dead.

So soon may I follow,
When friendships decay,
And from Love’s shining circle
The gems drop away. 20
When true hearts lie withered
And fond ones are flown,
Oh! who would inhabit
This bleak world alone?”


Posted -
2003/7/25 下午 04:17:29

本港的傳媒公審可說冠絕全球,葉太這樣的絕種官員,可能真是the last rose.


Posted -
2003/7/27 上午 01:34:45

她辭職後﹐如果瀟灑的揮手離開﹐我還可以佩服她一點 -- 現在她高調上京接受話別、接受左派歡送﹐證明她要權力﹐不惜踐踏人權。
她才幹或者是公務員裡面好的一批﹐但是良心、對于人權、自由、民主、法治﹐她不理會 -- 為自己仕途﹐這些可以犧牲﹗


Posted -
2003/7/27 上午 01:36:04



Posted -
2003/7/27 上午 01:41:24

政客隱謀是一件事 -- 民主選舉立法會和特首是市民權利﹐一旦市民能夠掌握這個權利﹐你還怕什麼政客﹖



Posted -
2003/7/28 上午 10:41:17

我不能認同的,是不少人 - 真的不少 - 拿這課題來為反而反.


Posted -
2003/7/28 上午 11:09:46

她給誰人騙?有一半是給她自己 - 太過自信近乎盲目.反對的人中,當然也有甚多盲目之人,正是盲鬥盲,可幸中央領導人未完全盲,沒有將蒼蠅拍一下子拍將下來......甚至,任得你們港燦們自講治港吧......

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