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Posted -
2003/7/28 下午 06:08:56

Well, this is the article shown up in the news reports during the weekend. I guess some of you might want to take a look at it.

China Daily: Catholic leaders forsake altar for political stage

By AU WEN, Page 6, “Comment and Analysis”, 2003/07/25

Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city where East meets West and where a diversity of religions flourish, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Daoism. Among them, the churches boast more than 500,000 faithful in the territory, and Catholicism, their largest branch, claims a following of more than 200,000.

Article 32 of the Basic Law guarantees that “Hong Kong shall have freedom of religious belief and freedom to preach and to conduct and participate in religious activities in public”. In accordance with this provision, the SAR government has been doing its best to safeguard Hong Kong people’s freedom of religion.

Historically, the church has often interfered in politics, but the separation of the church and the state has been the most important development in the trend of Christianity. This separation was put forward by founding fathers of the US constitution.

In March 1911, Dr Sun Yat-sen commented in a letter to a church friend that church-state separation had become the prevailing trend in modern civilized countries. He pointed out that the separation safe-guarded the freedom of religious beliefs and preaching activities. He believed that it would not only reduce political disputes but also enable the church to realize its principles of truth and beauty. In the past one and a half centuries, churches all over the world have basically observed the principles of church-state separation. Along with providing spiritual redemption to their disciples, the churches have made an invaluable social contribution in the fields of education, medicine and undertakings to help the needy.

Recently, however, a few leaders of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese have violated Jesus Christ’s principle: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s”. They have discarded their neutral and benign role and are intervening in politics in a high profile, criticizing and interfering way over the manner in which the SAR government runs its administration. They have been playing the role of “Caesar” by fanning up disputes and conflicts and sowing the seed of discord everywhere.

Among them, the bishop of the Catholic diocese, Joseph Zen Ze-kuin, is the most active. Zen incited abode seekers to challenge the government and society. He has lashed out at the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the SAR and at the SAR government, called upon members of the public to defy the law, and instigated Catholics to oppose Article 23 legislation.

In all political episodes and disputes in Hong Kong in recent years, Zen has had a finger in every pie. Maneuvering between the government and different political groups, he has actually eclipsed all other trouble-making politicians.

The July 3 issue of Next Magazine said: “From the right of abode issue and the illegally staying children to the current Article 23 legislation controversy and the mass protest on July 1, Joseph Zen was not only the standard-bearer of the 230,000 Catholics in Hong Kong; he was virtually considered as the conscience of Hong Kong. His words and deeds have sparked numerous challenges against the government.”

Whether or not he is the “conscience of Hong Kong” deserves to be queried, but his stirring up of anti-government sentiment is an undeniable fact.

A few Catholic leaders defying church teachings by intervening in politics on a frequent basis is a sign that the Catholic church is entering the political scene. On June 4, Zen appealed to church members to participate in the rally that was organized by Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China to commemorate the June 4 Incident and to oppose the Article 23 legislation. He even showed up in the prelude to the rally – a “Democratic China” prayer meeting organized by a Catholic alliance in support of “pro-democracy” movement on the mainland. He then called upon Catholics to join in the mass protest on July 1, organized by the Civil Human Rights Front to oppose Article 23 legislation and call for the return of power to the people.

On July 13, the Democratic Development Network, led by Reverend Chu Yiu-ming and Reverend Louis Ha, staged the 2003 pro-democracy rally in the pedestrian district of Chater Road in Central. At the rally, Zen called upon his church members to continue to take part in such gatherings in future.

All these facts have proven that a minority of the members of the Catholic church’s top echelon are wantonly imposing their political views on their members and, in their clerical capacities, encouraging them to participate in political activities, Their actions are extremely irresponsible and they are turning the Catholic church in Hong Kong into something like the Democratic Party and the April Fifth Action. They are eager to put up political shows, coming to the forefront of the political stage and confusing their role as clergymen with that of politicians.

What they have been doing has already aroused scepticism as to whether they could give spiritual comfort to the people from the altar. Yet they are still not giving up their attempt to confound the role of the Catholic church with that of a political organization.

As they keep overstepping the limits, it is wondered where they are trying to lead the Hong Kong Catholic church.


Posted -
2003/7/28 下午 06:13:51


7月 25日 星期五 19:15 更新







Posted -
2003/7/28 下午 06:34:22



Posted -
2003/7/29 上午 09:39:41

Who is this Au Wen? Any info about his background?


Posted -
2003/7/29 上午 10:06:15




第43節 大公會議勸告信友,本著福音精神,忠實滿全此世的任務。因為信友不獨是天國子民,亦是此世的國民。固然,在此世,我們並沒有永久的國土(一三),而應尋求來生的國土,但如果信友認為可以因此而忽略此世任務,不明白信德更要他們各依其使命滿全此世任務(一四)。則是遠離真理。同樣錯誤的是另一些人,他們妄想自己可以沉浸於此世業務,好像此世的業務絕對不能與宗教生活調協,兩宗教生活,在他們看去,只在於做做禮拜並滿全若干道德任務而已。許多人的信仰和日常生活分割,要算我們這時代嚴重錯誤之一。這惡劣現象已曾為舊約內的先知們所嚴厲譴責(一五),而在新約內,耶穌基督更不惜以重罰嚇阻之(一六)。所以信友不得將職業和社會活動同宗教生活對立起來。信友忽略此世任務,便是忽略其愛人甚至愛主的任務,並將自己的永生導於危殆中。信友追隨曾作勞工的基督的芳表,應該為自身可以從事此世活動而慶幸,把人類所有的努力,無論其屬於家庭、職業或科學技術的一切,同宗教價值,綜合為一個有生命的系統,並在宗教的最高原則下,將一切指向天主的光榮。


第14節 在國家和國際場合中,所展開的傳教領域是無限的廣大,在這個領域中,尤其一般教友是基督智慧的使者。在愛國及對公民職責的盡忠上,公教信徒要自覺到有推進真正公共福利的責任,他們也要使自己的意見真有分量,使得公民權利得到正常的行使,使法律合乎倫理原則及公益的要求。有政治才幹的公教信友,不可拒絕公職,因為,只要相稱地去奉行公職,既可推進公益,也可為福音舖路。


Posted -
2003/7/29 上午 11:26:39

總之一句 - 堂堂陳主教不會成為陳總統,再說宗教干涉政治,相信也無法成立. 李教主則不同.


Posted -
2003/7/29 下午 12:47:21

The phrase "(m)aneuvering between the government and different political groups, he has actually eclipsed all other trouble-making politicians" is typical of the style of the CCP.
As a Catholic, I am very interested in the reasons guiding the behaviour of the Mainland towards the Catholic Church.
Did they so treat Muslims/Tibertan Buddhists/Orthodox Church?
Am still more interested to know - IF according to what the article says, practice of Catholicism is being 'tolerated' under one country two systems and not granted as of right to Hong Kong people,what could they do to end this undesirable manoeuvre?


Posted -
2003/7/29 下午 01:34:27


今早聽收音機的新聞﹐中國愛國天主教會又不點名的批評陳主教近日來的“政治行動”。這或多或少的顯示了這篇文章在一定的程度上不單單是作者Au Wen的“個人意見”而已。


Posted -
2003/7/29 下午 03:08:00

甚至於Au Wen只是化名.
中央的政治動機向來明顯,只是大部份教會中人,一向不知而已,這亦跟當年胡樞機低調淡化有最直接的關係.他明白到香港人再反共,也是中國人,而中梵之爭,最後牽涉到的,是難免民族衝突. 但到底為何時至今日,中共還如此仇羅馬天主教,這就很耐人尋味.因為,中共對好些當年的宿敵,包括日本仔,也已十分忍氣吞聲.
是否說,今日教區跟中央已經到point of no return的了?


Posted -
2003/7/29 下午 03:36:23



Posted -
2003/7/29 下午 06:04:03

我看,問題是天主教徒在信仰上神服梵諦岡,在國藉上是中國(起碼我沒有外國護照).如今中梵交惡,天主教徒要認一個allegiance,是中(凱撒)還是梵(基督),好似父母鬧離婚的子女,給人逼問 - 你跟啊爸還是跟啊媽!
孩子們說, 我既要爹又要娘的時候,爹說娘不好;娘說我是生你的人,孩子有年歲的,兩不相近,自行跑出家門.小的,哭哭啼啼,更有的,爹有錢,我要爹不要娘,另外的,娘愛我,爹是壞人,我大義滅親......


Posted -
2003/7/29 下午 06:13:29

As far as we see, the 'reconciliation' between Mom and Dad lies in Mom and Dad believing in the same religion - democracy.
Why do I say this? The Patriotic Church 'tries' to follow catholicism, but they could not. The Roman Catholic Church 'tried' to 'convert' the Patriotic Church to catholicism under Cardinal Wu's era, but the success was only partial, and the results still have to be seen.
In Bishop Zen's era, his method of reconciliation to faithfuls is - turn PRC into a democracy, and Mom and Dad will be reconciled.


Posted -
2003/7/30 下午 07:21:46



鄧小平的開放改革期間﹐因為國家的意識形態定義在“社會主義的初級階段”﹐中共對宗教採取比較寬鬆的態度﹐然而其本質及其根本目的仍與建國初期的一脈相承。1982年所發出的“關於我國社會主義時期宗教問題的基本觀點和基本政策”(俗稱“十九號文件”)中﹐制訂了開放改革時處理宗教的方法﹐提出恢復以宗教自由作為解決宗教問題的途徑。這政策的目的仍在利用“宗教自由”作為一種手段去爭取知識份子參與改革﹐宗教自由是讓知識份子放心的政策﹐讓他們認為現在已然“不同於文革時”。換句話說﹐“十九號文件”在短期內是打算把宗教界納入統戰的範疇內﹐使之為“四化”作貢獻﹔長期的目的仍是導致宗教滅亡。不過﹐中共認知到對不能採用行政命令的方法去“使宗教滅亡”(鄧小平語)。若要達到使宗教滅亡的長期目的﹐是要透過各種“思想教育”去令大部份人自己去不信宗教﹐來達到他們理想中的社會模式(i.e., 最終達到沒有宗教這種毒藥的社會)。





Posted -
2003/7/31 上午 11:39:59



Posted -
2003/7/31 下午 04:46:33

"在我看來﹐突出雙方的矛盾及基本立場上的重大分歧對雙方都無任何補益。或許﹐把“問題留給下一代去解決”會是一個折衷的方法。大陸的立場有其歷史及思想上的原因﹐就算長期的等待﹐要她改變也是很不容易的。但若要她在短期內改變卻更加是沒有可能。今天的大陸不斷的追求國際化﹐時間久了或會對教會比較有利。 "
I think that is exactly the point that Rev. Luke Tsui was making in the KKP last week.
Catholics would not endorse communism, since it is not compatible with religion. Cardinal Wu had been 'buying time' strenuously during his lifetime, and to a considerable extent, the PRC authorities did pay much respect to this stance of his.


Posted -
2003/7/31 下午 04:57:56

昨日跟我自己善會的一位兄弟論及這些問題,我說:中共在政治上讓步不是真的.統戰才是真的.教會不能在政治上嬴到中共,是手瓜的問題 - 梵諦岡沒兵沒馬,最多用間諜戰卻很難公開作戰.利用國際形勢,可又往往會給人出賣,變成當年助長希特拉般,最終背離教義.


Posted -
2003/8/1 上午 02:07:26






Posted -
2003/8/1 下午 12:54:17

I think one should at the same time examine this article from the perspestive of non-believers. The persecutions all took place in Mainland China. In HK or Macau, we have not heard of any of such matters. So what the men in the street would think is that Catholics are kicking up fuss, and this will lobby anti-church mass sentiments. What is more so, if the stance of the Church merges with that of politicians.
That is what this article is aiming to do - to lobby the public opinion of non-believers, and those oblivious believers.
Frankly I must admit that HKSAR is an unwelcome forum for the Church to pull out any anti-Commie campaign, be it just propaganda, civil disobedience, or peaceful demonstration, because the place now, no matter you like it or not, is Chinese soil and no longer part of the British Commonwealth, to believers or non-blievers alike, if they want social order. The Church could only join revolutionaries, so to speak, in lobbying its stance. This is what is meant by 'xing shi bi ren qiang' (the forces of circumstances are stronger).
The proper forum for Vatican is of course the UN. We do not know how effective if petitions are being made to the UN for religious persecution. Since China is a UN member, at least they should be made aware of the obligations regarding human rights for religious toleration.


Posted -
2003/8/1 下午 01:39:22





Posted -
2003/8/1 下午 03:09:39



Posted -
2003/8/7 上午 10:40:25

Who is "Au Wen'?
Again, the name is suspicious. It is more like a Hong Kong guy's name then Mainlander - the phonetics are Hong Kong-styled.
Why should a local Hong Kong guy write such an article to China Daily? Is he a Catholic?


Posted -
2003/8/7 下午 06:46:33

對﹐大陸用的漢語(普通話)拼音中並沒有"Au"這個音。不過中國日報香港版在港設有辦公室﹐記者(甚至in-house writers)都是懂廣東話甚或是香港人。很難確定這Au Wen是一個in-house writer在“中央示意”下才寫了這篇文章﹐或是一個跟中國日報沒有直接關係的香港人。

中國日報香港版在上星期也報導了愛國會傅主教在北京跟美國的一位主教見面﹐並引述了傅主教對陳主教的不點名批評。那代表中央跟這篇文章的立場是一致的﹐但也不能完全解答Au Wen這人的身份的問題。我不是中國日報的長期讀者﹐無法得知他是長期或首次的投稿者。


Cecil是否對Au Wen的身份有些想法﹖可否說得詳細點﹖


Posted -
2003/8/8 上午 11:27:40

有參與彌撒的教友說,這樣子太小家子氣,人家政見不同,就不睬人.但亦有人說,這是坦蕩的君子所為 - 我何必虛偽? 如果我不信我做的是對,首先就不該做;做了,就承擔一切候果,包括乞人憎.
是耶? 非耶?


Posted -
2003/8/8 下午 12:30:03



但在有證據或多一些資料前﹐我個人願意相信他們﹐也寧願選擇相信這Au Wen是China Daily的in-house writer.


Posted -
2003/8/8 下午 01:22:11



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