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Posted -
2002/10/25 上午 11:44:57

Is it correct for a priest to urge
(in homilies) women to obey their husbands and to dress modestly (dresses instead
of pants)?


Posted -
2002/10/25 下午 04:51:09

What is the crux of the matter - (1) obeying husbands; or (2) dressing modestly?
(1) The Bible does say that wives should obey their husbands, though not blindly.
(2) Modest dressing is in tune with Christian life. Whether dressing pants amounts to improper dressing, that is very controversial!


Posted -
2002/10/30 上午 09:53:16

Yes, the wives should obey the husbands, however, the bible also said, husbands should love their wives, just as Christ loved the Church and Sacrificed himself for her. He is also the subject of his wife.
modestness = dresses?
Is mini skirt better than slacks? non sense!


Posted -
2002/10/30 上午 09:58:30

Some places in the Vatican (Churches) used to prohibit ladies entering wearing slacks or pants. Is this still so?


Posted -
2002/10/30 下午 01:42:47

Even in formal occasions, eg. marriage or funerals, the people are expected to dress up, ie:
dress in skirts if you can and if you are sick and pants are necessary, ignore it.

It is perfectly normal to apply this to the Holy Sacrifice of Mass in the Church.

I guess the priest is not condemning those who just happened to wear pants instead of skirts out of ignorance.
He is condemning the lack of reverence when people come to Church, treating the Mass as just another community gathering. Another symtom of this may be being late or use mobiles at Mass.

And I am told in email today that the priest got complained several times at the diocese of Sacramento and is now arranged to go to another parish. I am still amazed by this now.(???)


Posted -
2002/10/30 下午 03:59:33

"Take off your shoes, for you are standing on holy ground".
Nobody pays heed to this scripture excerpt any more these days, isn't it?


Posted -
2002/10/31 下午 12:48:28

Well the Mass has never been merely a community gathering.

It is consecrated grounds and consecrated Altars.
Above ALL the Tabernacle where the King Of Kings rests supernaturally.

On Mount Holeb we have the God in burning bushes,
in the Catholic Church we have the God in Blessed Hosts.

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