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全部區域 > 倫理 > 家庭倫理 > Sexual relationship?

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Posted -
2004/6/28 上午 11:29:47

What if a "unmarried, deep-in-love" Catholic lovers having closed relationship, (but having sex with only masterbation), in this case, it is a actual sexual relationship?
Is it a sin? If yes, how to explain to God father in the confession?


Posted -
2004/6/28 下午 04:22:45

Has Bill Clinton had 'sex' with Lewinstky? Equally puzzling, isn't it?
Some one please offer enlightenment on this (of course, I would not say that Bill is deep in love with that fat gal)!


Posted -
2004/12/11 下午 09:23:01

For human beings, "sexual" organs are not only the genitals but also the brains. Sexual acts include genital acts, but not "only".

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