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全部區域 > 倫理 > 家庭倫理 > A Fantasy Encyclical by Pope Leo XIV

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Posted -
2004/9/1 下午 07:41:31

Please comment on the following Document -

Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Love, Sexuality and Marriage


Posted -
2004/9/2 上午 10:44:13

"...The Church has been at fault here for not preaching the fundamental significance of friendship with sufficient clarity and force. Whereas the family has been proclaimed to be the foundation of society [Gaudiem et Spes #52], and this with no little justice, the more fundamental virtue of friendship has been neglected. Sadly, without the leaven of friendship, the boundaries of the family become the fracture lines of society. The very word "insula" means both "family home" and "isolationist". Friendship is the only basis on which a strong civic society can be built. It is at the core of what it means to be Church [I Cor 13]. Without a profound appreciation of friendship, no human relationship can have value or stand. In particular, a conjugal love not based on friendship (which, as we have already pointed out is the heart of Christian Fellowship), but rather on the passing phenomenon of physiological sexual attraction is sub-human and unworthy of the christian faithful [Gaudiem et Spes #49]. It would not be sacramental of the relationship of Christ and the Church. It would be an incontinent union, an affront to justice and Holy Spirit. "

Very true by and large, EXCEPT that "friendship" here is and should not be a substitution for "homosexuality", ad finido.


Posted -
2004/9/2 上午 10:45:07

Corrigenda -
EXCEPT that freindship her si BUT should not be a substitution of homosexuality.

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