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Posted -
2003/10/13 下午 04:41:23

有人說,new age的東西,如life dynamics並非信仰.
個人的經驗,他們用的手段純粹是訴諸情緒而非靈修:emotional but not spiritual.
在這範疇,不知道公教spirituality怎樣看life dynamics這東西;但清楚的,是emotional的信仰,不是信仰,因為不是由聖靈的啟動.


Posted -
2003/10/13 下午 06:04:13

Indeed, the Life Dynamics stuff is vastly different from our faith.
They employ the methods of emotional bombardment to 'heighten' the participants' awareness of his'her 'need'. It is more or less like hypnotism, under which the participants entered into a state of emotional trance. I doubt very much decisions so made by the participants are in any way 'spiritual' in nature.
I donot therefore consider that Catholicism has any thing to do with methods like these, though I wonder if some US schools in Catholic spirituality do employ analogous methods.
If they do, I'd say that they are dubious and bound to cause much problems in our Church (e.g. irresposnsible sexual relationships, unwarranted decisions, etc.)

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