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Posted -
2007/1/8 下午 09:35:46

Centering Prayer and Enneagram are pagan

What is the connection between Centering Prayer and universalism? At the root of Centering Prayer is the belief that we are all already saved and because of this belief, we do not need to pray to God for salvation. New Agers believe that we are God and God is everything, so we do not need to pray to God in a relational way (as someone apart from ourselves), but rather to the god within.

Centering Prayer is typical of New Age meditative practices. The soul becomes the center, energy replaces grace, God actually becomes a pantheistic energy. Fr. Thomas Keating, founder of the Centering Prayer movement, has this posted on his Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. website: When we go to the CENTER OF OUR BEING, and pass through the center into the very CENTER OF GOD, we get in immediate touch with this divine creating energy.


Posted -
2007/12/28 下午 05:15:07

個人應為, 歸心祈禱本身沒有問題, 不是隱修會會士和神師都是歸心祈禱的專家, 我還未見到危害信仰的例子(或出現都不一定)

東方冥想和天主教靈修最大不同在於, 我們的靈修是指向天主而不是自己, 目的是拉近和天主的關係. 新紀元者的萬物皆神論是他們的理念, 而不是歸心祈禱本身會造成這種理念。

在任何祈禱中, 善神(天主)和惡神(魔鬼)都會借著這種Mediation 這途徑的,

// 以下內容涉及靈性經驗, 或會帶來不安

如果, 東方宗教的冥想, 心靈瑜伽, 等等, 內容是沒天主的,不少個案都說明了這種沒天主的冥想, 邪靈會借著人"倒空" 狀態侵入人的靈魂。在這裡有一個例子, 一位年青人, 少時跟了一位瑜珈上師(華人) 修練, 大師叫他以呼吸, "哼鳴" 等進入冥想狀態, (不斷發出一個"梵音") 後來他領洗加入天主教, 不過每隔三兩天他便發覺混身不自在, 覺得有東西要他離開教會, 覺得非常難受, 於是主耶穌藉一位另一位兄弟的幫忙下, 才把那些影響釋放.

本人靈修經驗不是太豐富, 對歸心祈禱知道也只是皮毛, 但本人認為歸心祈禱與東方新紀元冥想最大不同的是, 我們的目標是向著天主。

有關歸心祈禱, 有一本很多的入門書籍, 叫"天主與我", 相信公進社有賣的.

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