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Posted -
2002/9/11 上午 11:32:09



Posted -
2002/9/11 下午 10:38:53

今日的明報副刊有以下一篇文章, 值得我們反思九一一事件:




九一一之後,輿情激盪,無論在美國之內或美國境外皆有人從不同角度省思悲劇的來龍去脈,誰是天使誰為魔鬼,誰為禍首誰屬犧牲,意見南轅北轍,但至少都有些聲音,足以引動多元思維,可是,三個月過去、六個月過去、九個月過去,一年之後的今天,全球主流媒體的思考角度顯然己經一面倒向「白宮觀點」,黑白截然二分,忠奸懶得再辯,僅剩的幾把微弱異議聲音(例如Noam Chomsky、Edward Said等)已被徹底出局,人們的終極關心是美國,如何把這場所謂「反恐戰爭」打到最後一秒。這便是歷史的吊脆。在所謂「恐怖主義者」眼中,九一一的攻擊意圖是重創美帝的尊嚴與地位,殊料結局反而是造就與凝固了美帝的權威與宰制;美帝之所謂美帝,「帝」如何驚人,也就不問可知了。


Posted -
2002/9/12 下午 12:11:39

Remember also

-The conversion of the Mohammedans and esp. the ambitious political leaders of Iraq, Iran and Syria.

-The true conversion of the Jews and the irreligious
poor American people.


Posted -
2002/9/12 下午 01:05:39

What is the meaning of your true conversion of Jews and irreligious?

Reflections on Covenant and Mission

Consultation of the National Council of Synagogues and
the Delegates of Bishops Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
August 12, 2002

The Reflections says that "campaigns that target Jews for conversion to Christianity are no longer theologically acceptable in the Catholic Church."

But I think the true conversion of Christian is more important to ask. For that we pray.


Posted -
2002/9/12 下午 01:15:43

"Mohammedans" is an offensive term for Muslim.
In Good friday liturgy of the Paul VI liturgy, we see the Church has changed her attitude and usage.


Posted -
2002/9/12 下午 01:40:21

1)"irreligious Americans" mean poor people who banned the Catholic faith and in general, Christianity from the schools, hospitals, orphanages, the streets, the media and the constitution.
Who forbids the reading of the Bible and prayer in all the public schools. They are poor because they are fooled by relativism. America will be blessed by God only by going back to Christ and the Bible.

2)The consultation (NB: not a declaration by the Magisterium) targets at the means/campaigns of the Catholic church that undermines the validity of the Jewish Covenant in order to convert them. It does not state:"Jews don't need to be Christian to be saved"
Jews still need to embrace the Christian Faith. Why?
"No one comes to the Father except through me"---yet God will save them when by His Divine Providence the Jews will all become Christians sooner or later.

3)The rejection of Christ by the Jews is only transitory, as St. Paul tells in the Romans, and one day they will all be converted solely by the grace of God. Since they are promised to enter the eternal glory in their ancestral covenant with God, they will one day accept the bliss of becoming Christians.

For No One Goes To the Kingdom Of God Rejecting
Christ the True God Himself.

God's Laws under the New Testament is not abolished but they must be understood in the Christian sense, as Christ came to renew the meaning of the mosaic law.

They may not be Catholics in today's sense but they will eventually all be Christians whom we see today are not yet.

***Why we pray for their converion?***
Becuase we know that when they have the Christian Faith then the end of the world is close. We are praying for the coming of Triumphant Christ in the "fullest of times" as promised in the Bible.

There with our Jewish brothers who are really Christians, wait for the Final Judgement and the new world.

5)The National consultation(not a dogmatic statement) is only a reflection on the tactics on converting the Jews. It DOES NOT proclaim any new understanding on the necessity of Christian Faith to Mankind.
Futhermore it carries no force on any catholic to profess "Jews do not need Christ", for this violates the Traditions as taught by the Fathers(St.Thomas,St.Augustine,St.John Chrysostom) etc.

In other words, it says:"Dear catholic brothers and sisters, we know that God's Covenant with Abraham is genuine. Don't call them "synagogues of Satan" anymore. They will be saved by God and become Christians someday. You can tell them about the gospels but don't push them too hard now. Trust God and leave the matters to the Hands of God. Don't forget to pray for them!"


Posted -
2002/9/12 下午 04:03:46

Are we talking Jews as Ranher's Anonymous Christian?

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