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Posted -
2001/9/14 下午 01:59:59



Posted -
2001/9/14 下午 02:55:37



Posted -
2001/9/14 下午 11:21:43



Posted -
2001/9/14 下午 11:27:04



Posted -
2001/9/15 上午 10:27:02

這問題的普遍性很大很大: 這兩天,美國名作家Mailer就九.十一慘劇提出了一針見血的意見。他身為美國人,卻能清楚看到美國流行的虛無主義 - 一切價值建基於外在的成就 - 高科技,高生產,高知識,高達摩天的智慧型建築物......凡此種種的,成為了"大美國"生活模式,一股腦兒的推銷出世界各地,結果遇到落後國家人民瘋狂的反抗......因為這些高科技的物質主義,正威脅著如烈火舨消滅他們的根與文化,亦他們唯一的所有。mailer指出,這就是為何美國在世界各地散佈了怨恨而他們仍不自覺。
作為愛國的,愛人類愛世界的,身為基督信徒的,不能掉以輕心 - 咱們不知那個時刻何時會來,一定要時刻保持警覺,勿受魔鬼所利用。


Posted -
2001/9/18 下午 12:52:10

這是對福傳的理解不同, 在新世界中傳福音這文件中教會理解關社行動本身已是一項傳福音的行動,而不是福音"預工".
為求"得人",以有多少人舉手決志來看是否"成功"的宣教神學是很危險的. 究竟是聖神在作工,還是我們在誇耀自己的"能力"?


Posted -
2001/9/18 下午 02:59:24

handsome guy提到的"關社"相信是以福音為基礎的一種?這有點兒"先雞後蛋或是先蛋後雞"的吊詭哩!


Posted -
2001/9/28 下午 06:14:17

Forgive me to intrude in the conversation.
I think the recommendation of Annointing is an excellent good reminder to all Catholics, especially those of us who do a lot of work in our evagelization services.
Like handsome guy said, catholics have a different method of evangelization than our protestant brothers and sisters.
For as Catholics, we often followed what the bible said and believed that love is the fulfillment of law. And therefore our love and concern to the society always became a way of expression of our faith in christ.
And we often target our evangelization to a community and not an individual. And this, in effect, will mis-lead some of our protestant friends to think that our evangeliztaion does not contain enough "personal" message of Jesus Christ.

However, sometimes, maybe it is the mis-understanding of the society at large....sometimes maybe it is due to the very passive way we evangelize the community.....the voice of Christ, frankly speaking, do sometimes really is quite difficult for non-catholics to understand through our work.

In my personal opinion, many many criticism of our catholic evangelization program is also on the difficulty to hear the voice of God in our evangelization services.
Well......I think it works either way.
To be noisy ... or to be silent.......
both ways have its pros and cons.
Our traditional catholic "silent" evangelization method is very good for the more mature targets. It works excellently for the more silent and mature crowd, especially the intellectuals and the more experienced people who have tasted the bitterness of the secular world.
But we also have to admit that our protestant brothers' "noisy" method is also very successful in targeting college students and the younger generations.
I think .... sometimes....like cecil and annointing said... protestants and catholics can always learn a lot from each other.
And maybe, in our hong kong catholic diocese, maybe we can also try some more noisy methods when we do our evangelization.
I used to live in the U.S., and in many parts of America, our catholic church have already started to use quite a lot of noisy method to evangelize.
Many of these programs were started by former-protestants who have been converted to catholicism. And the result has been quite remarkable. Numerous people have joined our church since then.
And it is with such wave of noisy evangelization programs that numerous Catholic apologist have appeared in America. And these people have become an invaluable asset to our church. Catholic apologist such as Newman, Scott hahn, Patrick Madrid, Karl Keating....all became very successful asset our Mother church can use to evangelize the world.
Maybe it is also time for us , the catholics in Hong kong , to think about the addition of a noisy method to evangelize to complement our traditional evangelization program.
Those who are "outside" often gets a clearer picture of the whole strategy than those "inside".
Thank you , anointing, for your very valuable suggestion.
Maybe we, catholics, should start to create some local HK apologist of our own and support them to do more moisy methods to complement our traditional evangelization program.


Posted -
2001/9/28 下午 06:17:32

last sentence typpo: noisy not moisy.

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