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Posted -
2002/9/18 ¤W¤È 01:55:52








Posted -
2002/9/18 ¤W¤È 10:26:50

«H²³ªº'¸t¤Æ' - °ö¨| + ¹ê½î,¤@©w­n¤j¤O±À°Ê¤~¦¨,´N¦p±Ð·|¦b¹L¥hªº¤­¦~,¸¨¤F¤£¤Ö'¥»'±À°Ê¤½±ÐªÀ·|°V¾É¤@¯ë¡C¦ý³o¦¸­«ÂI,¬O'Ãö¤ßºÖ¶Ç'¡C½ÍºÖ¶Ç¼Æ¤Q¦~,³s¶Çªº'¤º®e'¤]¤£²M¤£·¡,°Ñ»P±Ð·|/°ó°Ï¤u§@'±o­Ó°µ'¦r - to do and not to be,¹ï«H¤Íªº¸t¤Æ®Ú¥»°_¤£¤F§@¥Î¡C°¨§Q¨È©M°¨º¸¤jªº°µ¨Æ,¤H¤H³£«Ü©ú¥Õ¤F¡C


Posted -
2002/9/18 ¤W¤È 10:36:18

I think we need effective administration to go about this suggestion of Cecil.
The Studium Biblicanum (spelling may be incorrect), Opus Dei, the Loyola Society, 'Jiao Yan Zhong Xin" and many other religious orders/organisations are offering quality 'training' for the faithful, apart from H.S.S., who is of course taking the lead in the Diocese.
Propaganda, and a 'structured' approach may be necessary - some time ago, I noticed that when Lent/Advent approaches, retreats, courses, talks,speeches, seminars, all 'clashed' badly with each other. Often I heard faithfuls say - I wish to attend xyz, but abc's also taking place, so I'd only go to abc...
At a time when resources are so scarse, it does appear to be an awful waste!


Posted -
2002/9/18 ¤U¤È 03:58:03

'²z·Q'¬O¦p¦¹ - ªÏÅéÁö¦h,¨­Åé¥u¦³¤@­Ó¡CµM¦Ó¾ú¥v§i¶D§Ú­Ì,µõ±Ðªº¨Æ¹ê¤@¦Aµo¥Í,§ó¥i¥H»¡,µL¤éµL¤§!¤ñ¤è»¡,·N¨£¤£¦P,¤¬¤£¬ÛÅý(©Î§ó´c¦HªÌ,¤¬¤£·¾³q),¦U¦Û°í«ù,¤Àµõªº·½ÀY,¨Ó¦Û¤Hªº¦Û§Ú¤£¯àº¡¨¬¡C



Posted -
2002/9/18 ¤U¤È 04:51:48

So is "Lay Ministry" going to work?

Nowadays, You could not expect every member of a congregation to have the same level of maturity. Our parisheners all have diversify background. How can this diversity be contained in the same oneness? Without this, Lay ministry can only exist on paper as Jedi put it.


Posted -
2002/9/19 ¤W¤È 10:15:08

§Ú«ü¥XªººØºØ,¥u¬O'¥i¯à©Ê'¦Ó¤w,·íµM,¤£¯à¥H'¥²³Ó'ªººA«×¨ÓÅÍ«H¥õªº¨Æ - «H¥õªº®Ö¤ß¤]¤£´N¬O'©úª¾¤s¦³ªê°¾¦Vªê¤s¦æ'?


Posted -
2002/9/19 ¤U¤È 04:43:03

Why when I amended the words, it change it to GB code?


Posted -
2002/9/19 ¤U¤È 04:46:00

§ÚÁÙ¥¼¦³ªÅ©M¯«¤÷°Ó°Q§Ú¦b½Òµ{¤¤ªº¨¤¦â, ©Ò¥H¨­¥÷¦³¨Ç"ÀǬN",¦ý­ì«h¤W§Ú¬O¨Ó"¾Ç嘢"ªº, ¦ý¤S¤£¬O¥H¾Ç­ûªº¨­¥÷, ¦Ó¬O§Ú§»öºÓ¤h½Òµ{ªºªª¥Á¹ê²ßªº¤@³¡¥÷. ´N¦p¥L¬ðµM¶¡¥s§Ú»¡´X¥y, ¦ý¤SµL¤¶²Ð§Ú¬O½Ö, ¥i¯à¾Ç­û­Ì·|ı±o¦³¨Ç©Ç, ­øª¾§Ú«Y"ÉA¤ô".


Posted -
2002/9/19 ¤U¤È 05:04:45

¬°¦ó¦b³o¨à´£¨ì³o§»ö½Òµ{ - ¸òlay ministry¤]¤j¦³¤z«Yªº¡C


Posted -
2002/9/19 ¤U¤È 05:17:32

While I have never had the 'guts' to be an altar server in my life, I agree that lay service in liturgical matters is one of the areas where the laity come into direct contact with the priests and deacons.
I remember that Cecil once 'complaint' to me that co-operation with the p.p. in liturgical matters proved to be difficult while she was at HV.
If in matters like these co-operation failed, where else could there be co-operation between the pastor and the flock?
Here does seem to lie an area of foundamental importance - whether lay ministry could ever succeed in a given parish.


Posted -
2002/9/19 ¤U¤È 05:36:57




Posted -
2003/1/4 ¤U¤È 10:47:22

Josemaria, why do you need 'guts" to be an altar server? I thought it is calling that you need? Just curious.....

I used to think those who serve at the altar will naturally end up in the seminary and become a priest. But it seems that this is not the case nowadays.


Posted -
2003/1/7 ¤U¤È 12:39:26

Altar servers nowadays are not confined to male faithfuls. In the old days, only the 'good boys' become altar boys. Shy ones (like me) and naughty ones stand a much lessor chance.
Nowadays, it is not easy to find alter 'boys', so perhaps naughtiness and shyness are no longer impediments.
Liturgical service - a very good beginning for vocation. Cissie had been to the Altar Servers' Association's recent patron saint feast day, and reported that there are almost more gals than boys in the Association (or at least more of those that turned up that day were girls).
I also learned from Cissie that the Diocese Liturgical Commission is doing a fine job these years in training up lay faithfuls in liturgical matters. They, however, require students' active participation in parish liturgical matters, and not all participants are able to do this, as far as I am aware. Cissie, for example, was unable to serve back at St. Margaret's parish owing to the decision of their PP back in July last year.


Posted -
2003/1/7 ¤U¤È 03:14:30

nowaday, many boys don't see serving the altar as an honour. they feel bored, and they act what they feel also.
about the traning of the faithful, the best of course is they can use it at their parish. if not, they may see it as a perparation for future ministry.
in addition, one of the requirment of the course is the recommendation of the parish priest, so "by principle", they should have a good "standing" in the parish.


Posted -
2003/1/7 ¤U¤È 06:04:38

³o¼Ë»¡,§Ú¥i¯à¬O¥´¤F­Tªi - §Ú§ä¤F±Ð°Ï¨ä¥Lµ½·|ªº¯«®v±ÀÂ˧ڤW½Ò - ·íµM,¦pªG³o¯«®vªº°ó°Ï¦³¥Î¤Hªº»Ý­n,§Ú¤@©w¤£·|¦«¤âžZ,¦ý¯«®vªº°ó°Ï¹À,¬O¦b¤EÀsªº,¦n¦b¥u¬O¦y¨F¼L,¤]¤£ºâ»·¡C



Posted -
2003/2/3 ¤W¤È 09:37:38



Posted -
2003/2/3 ¤U¤È 04:10:49

Very true, it does seem to me to be an awful waste, especially now that religious people - priests, sisters, are getting more and more scarse. Nearly all the 'front line' - the different parishes - lack 'trained' personnel. Some times I hope sincerely that 'trained' people, be they religious or lay, should be deployed to serve on matters like liturgy and spirituality, leaving general administration to another set of people - the trained lay administrators.
More often than not, we have a good priest - nice personality, good training, good integrity, but alas, not a good administrator at all (that isn't his fault). Some times we have a good adminsitrator is the P.P. - very good P.R., very suave ways in handling the parishioners...and alas, not very observant on disciplinary matters like clean and fair administration, good spiritual development of parishioners...
Different types of trees do not all grow on the same bushes.
The Diocese nowadays, as far as I can see, require a new set of diocesan administration technique. This requires the 'trained' lay faithful to work hand in hand with the clergy and the religious in parish work. An objective system should be quickly implemented to cope with the fast drop out of our religious people - yearly, far more number of priests and nuns return home to our Father than the number of newly ordained ones.
Of course, deacons are a good supplement, too, but these are again limited in sex to men. Many women lay faithfuls, well-trained theologians with postgraduate overseas degrees, are working in other lay organisations, filling high posts, of course. They, however, aren't active in Parish work any more.
And last but not the least, at present, in many large parishes, the set-ups are still sadly out of date, with a lot of what Brother Handsome calls, parish politics among lay faithfuls. The trained personnels are still being 'put away' at arm's length for various different reasons. Even the P.P.s couldn't set things right, alas. And the parishes are the front line places into which people come to join God's big family.
The 'partnership ministry' between parish religious and laities will be a foremost issue to be tackled at the diocesan level in the coming years.


Posted -
2003/10/25 ¤W¤È 10:55:44

¹ï©ó¦­«ejedi§g´£¥Xªº³o­Ólay ministry°ÝÃD,¦A¦LÃÒ°ó°Ïªº¤@¨Ç·s²{ªp,§Ú¥H¤Uªº¸É¥R¬Ýªk:
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Posted -
2003/10/25 ¤U¤È 12:30:48

¦b³o¸Ì´£¨ìªº"parish politics"¨ä¹ê¬O¦Ñ°ÝÃD¡C¥H§Ú¦³­­ªº¸gÅç¬O¡MÃþ¦üªº°ÝÃD¤@ª½¬O¦s¦bªº¡M¤£½×¬O¦b°ó°Ïªºµ½·|¡N¯«ªø·í¤¤©Î±Ð¤Í¦Û¤vªº¹ÎÅé·í¤¤¡C¦³±Ð¤Í¤£¦A¥X¨ÓªA°È¬O¦]¬°³Q³o¨Ç¬Fªv§é¿i³z¤F¡Mı±o«Ü²Ö¡C

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Posted -
2006/6/18 ¤W¤È 11:25:46


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Posted -
2006/6/24 ¤U¤È 07:34:10


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