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Posted -
2004/4/26 上午 09:39:21

此話出於某前牧民會長,'教訓'鄙人提出彌撒經書總論的觀點.按照其說法,如果'她'認為是牧民需要,可以用讀經台來教人填表格,絕對可以領完聖體即作十段八段她以為'必要'作的堂區報告(但英文彌撒信友則不用報知),然後才唸領聖體後經,更可以在大半堂信友已經領完了聖體才'開始'唱第一首'領主詠' - 全是'牧民需要'.
'梵諦岡是梵諦岡,這裡是....' - 她也真夠沙膽也矣 -

最後,訓令鼓勵教友朝拜聖體,但是在沒有妥當看守的情況下,聖體不能片刻明供。任何天主教徒發現任何妄用禮儀的情況時,必須通知教會當局。 "



Posted -
2004/4/26 上午 10:25:06

I told you long time ago - they have their own culture, and are terribly conceited and resistant to those not speaking their own language.
Their liturgy - well, I heard say, one provincial superior complained to the parish on the rude treatment during the Holy Week. I encountered such rude treatment during the Easter Vigil back in 2001 at the Chapel, and fully agree with the view of the provincial.
If you really don't like the place, you have no choice but to quit!


Posted -
2004/4/26 下午 03:01:43



Posted -
2004/4/26 下午 04:14:40

These chaps have forgotten one fundamental thing - if you WANT respect, pay respect to others first.
Their haughty attitude in handling many issues, especially during liturgy, have reflected their mind-set. I trying to achieve their target in 'occupying various posts', they forgot what in fact is charity. Their love of picking faults on others eventually earned for themselves many faults in their own liturgical rundown.
I remember this most clearly one Good Friday afternoon when the pastor himself slashed out mercilessly on those faithful who would love to have Holy Communion on that day.
I remember how swiftly reports were being made on minor points in liturgical services that to her own subjective standard is 'imperfect' and how she slashed out during meetings.
I remember how those commissioned to work for this parish council gang loudly and rudely 'ordered' faithful stepping up to receive Holy Communion to step back in favour of the catechumens during Easter Vigil as if they have committed a grave sin.
Mostly, I remember how amidst many many stupid liturgical errors they have 'taken over' the altar without even letting the non-pastor celebrant know what's going on during the liturgy ...
ALL these took place in the Chapel.
Of all the things they have done, the many 'services' they rendered, they have no respect for God nor respect for men.
What kind of formation is this, pray?


Posted -
2004/4/26 下午 07:09:47

Dear Amici:

RS [184.] Any Catholic, whether Priest or Deacon or lay member of Christ’s faithful, has the right to lodge a complaint regarding a liturgical abuse to the diocesan Bishop or the competent Ordinary equivalent to him in law, or to the Apostolic See on account of the primacy of the Roman Pontiff.

[290] It is fitting, however, insofar as
possible, that the report or complaint be submitted first to the diocesan Bishop. This is naturally to be done in truth and charity.


Posted -
2004/4/27 上午 11:26:10

The background of this rude and outrageously unpious outburst has to be explained a bit: it isn unfortunate the painful event, at least to myself.
This remark was meant to 'teach me a lesson' for pointing out her noticed errors in liturgy. It was an echo of what our Pastor noted in the December Liturgy Meeting. What she didn't know was that in December 2003, the Diocese has NOT yet promulgated the new GIRM; the Redemptoris Sacramentum has NOT been published pursuant to the earlier encylical letter of the last Holy Thursday.
However, being an ardent follower of the Pope's writings, I HAVE HAD knowledge of these almost as soon as they came out.
This is painful because it reveals fully the autocratic and absolutist mind-set of her leadership style. If one could find time to learn foreign languages, and am so keen in doing Church work, why not spend the time learning liturgy? Bible? Theology? Why should one always pry on Church 'power'? If one could just acquire ONE tiny jot of humility, one would at once see that there are out there many things to know, many ways to offer, many people ready to help.
Yea, we have no choice but to voice out now.


Posted -
2004/4/28 下午 04:39:53

I note in a previous thread, Edward posted the following - 希望教會的成員能守好規矩。





Posted -
2004/4/28 下午 04:45:03



Posted -
2004/4/29 下午 03:26:39

...But if at the close of nominations, no sufficient number of candidates surface .....


Posted -
2004/5/3 上午 10:17:22

Every Parish has its traditions. This parish is a complex and complicated parish. It contains many religious orders, with their own chapels (mass centres).
It is quite futile to 'streamline' all the differences by setting up lay Parish Councillors to 'override' the different religious orders.
I have saw this going on for some years over there, and the result is - sheer disaster.
Rev. XXX knew this only too well during his days there. Successful ministry over there begins with "Respect".


Posted -
2004/5/5 下午 04:48:49

理性討論吧 - 說到何為連聖禮也可以隨便更改的"牧民理由",請細看以下一段貼文關於禮儀上的適應的節錄部分:
" Such adaptations must be based on serious reasons, for example, the specific culture and viewpoint of a people, contrary and unchangeable usages, the practical impossibility of adapting some new rite that is foreign to the genius of a people, and so on. 3. Apart from the envisioned exemptions from rubrics and differing translations of texts (see Consilium, Instr. 25 Jan. 1969), the Order of Mass is presented as a single unit whose general structure and individual components must be exactly respected. Arbitrary selectiveness on the part of an individual or a community would soon result in the ruin of a patiently and thoughtfully constructed work: Not 6 (1970) 38-39, no. 27."

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