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Posted -
2002/5/3 下午 12:43:07

After the series of shocking news, what we are obliged to do is to pray, prostrate and do penance.

For the mercy of God and the sins of Humanity

1)For the Faith of all brothers and sisters,
that they still trust our Faith, our Holy Mother Church,
and in our Bishops, Fathers.

2)For the development of a better, and
more transparent procedure to handle such scandals.

3)For a securer test to accept seminarians
and preventive measures wherever applicable.

4)For a more comprehensive understanding of our Church Policies and the practice of Confession
by the general public.

5)For the courage of good Fathers of unblemished lives to continue do their best despite suspicion (if there are any)
of people. May God console them.

6)For the transgression done on all victims involved and may God, through our care, heal them.

7)For the genuine contrition of the offenders that involved. By the grace of God, that they may save their steps from eternal damnation.

Finally let's entrust (in this May season) our sorrows to the intercession of our sweet Mother:
"Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Ora Pro Nobis Peccatoribus, Nunc et in Hora Mortis Nostrae."


Posted -
2002/5/3 下午 12:59:31

And I think I would go to confession,
we are supposed to trust the sacramental powers of Confession(aren't we?)...let's show it,
in any case, God delights our prayer only if we turn to Him for forgiveness in humility.


Posted -
2002/5/3 下午 06:32:25

人家給撒殫挑動了,咱們可別要給它有機可乘 - 危中有機,絕處逢生,這是我早前介紹的homily(可惜我不懂如何貼在這兒).

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