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Posted -
2002/7/15 下午 12:13:23

同時,同他一個修會的另一名堂區中的神父,本月中又特然調會修會去,還是連合約也未滿的,真的很奇怪了,因為堂區一下子走了兩名神父,由四變二,留下來的另一位副本堂已七老八十的了,本堂又年前才心臟病發,使我們信友很擔心本堂區每主日的十台彌撒如何安排 - 教區除了不顧神父,任意short notice或no notice安排調職外,更無視教友(1)跟神父的交情(我神師就一去如黃鶴);(2)教友在堂區參與的方便(個半神父開十台八台彌撒,叫教友去大熱天時當邦兇謀殺神父!?)


Posted -
2002/7/25 下午 09:44:44

By canon law, I don't think it is lawful to have a priest to celebrate more than three masses a day, especially it is noticed that it will happen beforehead. and the condition of hk doesn't fit by the "pastoral reason" since we have enough priests to celebrate masses and also your area is not a isolated dictrict.


Posted -
2002/7/29 上午 10:25:25

Thanks,Handsome. I will feedback to the appropriate person in charge in the Parish.


Posted -
2002/9/1 下午 09:27:00



Posted -
2002/9/3 下午 07:59:35




Posted -
2002/9/4 下午 12:14:42

Sometimes, we all forget they are also just human beings.


Posted -
2002/9/4 下午 06:13:27

明白paul的心情,但還只一句 - 包容吧。往別處逛逛,海闊天空,心境舒暢著哩!有空再兜回去吧。


Posted -
2002/9/4 下午 10:18:38


每個主日,不知幾多教友因為「選擇」飲茶食飯睇戲而放棄望彌撒,當神父的又能作什麼? 能按什麼法典禁止教友去飲茶食飯睇戲?而每個主日,不管祭台下的會眾熱誠冷淡,神父都要主持彌撒,無得「選擇」。

聽聞某一周刊報導某神父彌撒前和兩位朋友上酒家睇世界杯,三人吃了魚翅和五個小菜,更抽雪茄!比起Paul堂區那神父參加歡送會,不用說前者一定是十惡不赦! 究竟神父有什麼自由,可做什麼,又不可做什麼?抽雪茄是否比抽煙大罪?可以吃魚翅嗎?又還是吃例湯罷了:好東西是教友的專利。




Posted -
2002/9/5 上午 11:04:38



Posted -
2002/9/5 上午 11:09:53

堂區/教區的情況,真的要兩面看 - 如果做不到'多面'看的話。這兩期'公教報'特別篇幅討論教友婚配預約聖堂碰到的問題,的確有點兒使人心冷 - 指神父不該'偏愛'善會成員,更使人痛心:本來,每一名信友都應該是善會成員,但事實差得遠,這已經夠使人心淡,更說神父明言偏袒他們不對,這說法其實漠視了很多重要的信仰關係:


Posted -
2002/9/5 下午 12:42:49

The "KKP" letter and article referred to reflect the prevailing mentality of the faithful 'scarmbling into parish service' in that particular parish, because the P.P. 'acknowledges' such participation.
This should be the correct approach, except that not too few back there are manipulating things by 'grabbing' good and easy jobs to do, leaving dirty jobs to others, as observed.
Some 'easy to work' groups attract more members than necessary, and the group becomes large and excessively unwieldy. Many moms rush in to get a job so as to help their kids along in Catholic schools. This is undertandable.
However, it made life of those in charge extremely difficult. Cecil should be able to tell you a lot more of such stuff, though she has adamantly refused to 'report' such 'deals'!


Posted -
2002/9/5 下午 03:46:28

這不會有用,我才不枉作小人。清者自清,濁者自濁,God is not dead.不能同流合污,他方去也樂逍遙!


Posted -
2002/9/5 下午 04:12:17

I know which one you're referring to. Well, she is outright unco-operative, and rude at times. Many at the Chapel know about this. Just that they do not voice it out.


Posted -
2002/9/5 下午 04:23:34

"Rude", 'unco-operative'已經不好但不是大錯。故意因為不高興人家的孩子的一句真實的童言(說她常常遲到),而飛一同做堂區服務的小孩媽媽出局,就很有問題!


Posted -
2002/9/5 下午 05:13:44

It does appear from what I gathered, that some parishioners here are making use of the reverend fathers' vulnerabilities to their own ends (be it emotional, psychological or whatever). I've heard say this for quite some time already.



Posted -
2002/9/6 上午 12:02:07

It seems that it is all about parishioners ganging up against each other, which is nothing new as in 1 Cor.


Posted -
2002/9/6 上午 10:06:45

"True Story with a lot of truth
In light of the many perversions and jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke, it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.


Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this happen?" (regarding the attacks on Sept. 11).

葛理翰牧師的女兒接受Jane Clayson 的訪問,被問到:上帝怎能允許這樣的事情(指911攻擊事件)發生?她回答得十分恰當且深具洞見。她說:

Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said "I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?"


In light of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found recently) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school ... the Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.

看看最近發生的事情,包括恐怖攻擊、校園槍擊等等,我認為事情最早開始於Madeleine Murray O'Hare女士(她被殺害,屍體最近被發現)。她埋怨校園裡的禱告,她說她不想要校園裡有禱告,大家答應了。然後有人說,最好不要在學校裡讀聖經…聖經說不可殺人、不可偷盜、要愛鄰舍如同愛你自己,而大家答應了。

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said OK.

然後Benjamin Spock博士說,我們的兒女做錯事的時候不應該責打他們,以免他們幼小的人格受到損傷,恐怕傷害他們的自尊(Spock的兒子是自殺死的),而大家同意了。
Then someone said teachers and principals better not discipline our children when they misbehave. The school administrators said no faculty member in this school better touch a student when they misbehave because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't want to be sued (there's a big difference between disciplining, touching, beating, smacking, humiliating, kicking, etc.). And we said OK.


Then someone said, let's let our daughters have abortions if they want, and they won't even have to tell their parents. And we said OK. Then some wise school board member said, since boys will be boys and they're going to do it anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms they want so they can have all the fun they desire, and we won't have to tell their parents they got them at school. And we said OK.


Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs. Agreeing with them, we said it doesn't matter to me what anyone, including the President, does in private as long as I have a job and the economy is good.


Then someone said let's print magazines with pictures of nude women and call it wholesome, down-to-earth appreciation for the beauty of the female body. And we said OK.


And then someone else took that appreciation a step further and published pictures of nude children and then further again by making them available on the Internet. And we said OK, they're entitled to free speech.


Then the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows and movies that promote profanity, violence, and illicit sex. Let's record music that encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes. And we said it's just entertainment, it has no adverse effect, nobody takes it seriously anyway, so go right ahead.


Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves. Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."


Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.


Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.


Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.


Are you laughing? 你笑了嗎

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they WILL think of you for sending it. Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.



Posted -
2002/9/6 下午 01:52:25


The secularism in the society can even infiltrate the Church, I have seen dozens of liberal parishes when I was in the US.

St. Pius X, pray for us that God deliver us from the modernist snares!


Posted -
2002/9/8 下午 03:38:29

"...Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said OK.

然後Benjamin Spock博士說,我們的兒女做錯事的時候不應該責打他們,以免他們幼小的人格受到損傷,恐怕傷害他們的自尊(Spock的兒子是自殺死的),而大家同意了。
Then someone said teachers and principals better not discipline our children when they misbehave. The school administrators said no faculty member in this school better touch a student when they misbehave because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't want to be sued (there's a big difference between disciplining, touching, beating, smacking, humiliating, kicking, etc.). And we said OK.

然後有人說,我們的兒女在學校做錯事的時候,老師和校長最好不要管教他們。學校行政人員說,教職員不可以碰做錯事的學生,因為不想事情鬧開,更不想挨告(管教和碰觸、打、摑、踢、侮辱等,有很大的差別),而大家同意了。 "

A parish is a place for the faithful to develop. If those 'bad' ones got elevated and not disciplined, how would parishioners react?
Fr in the September parish Newsletter 'threw all his cards' on this lady' by issuing a statement that the entire parish council supported her 'election' into the Council. We all know this to be just for 'show'. Nobody on the current Council 2000-2 know her well because she never participated in parish activities during their past term of office. Didn't even attend regular small group meetings, late for important masses, not maintaining good terms with fellow faithful working back in the Chapel...
She, however, maintained a superb relationship with Father. That's all.
How on earth COULD such 'favoritism' irrespective of merits be beneficial to the parishioners at large?


Posted -
2002/9/9 上午 10:02:12

Well, upon reflection, MAY BE she wanted to show others that she is really good...But these aren't really important.
What counts is that there is before her a golden opportunity to GROW UP with parish service.
If she was self-centred, let her change. If she was unco-operative, let her learn cooperation, be it the hard way.


Posted -
2002/9/9 下午 07:47:55



但支持平信徒承擔牧職的,又是否想到教友本身的多元化,既是其長處,更是其短處!由教友領導時很難像神職班那般容易取得共識。其中涉及爭權奪利、勾心鬥角,堂區還不是和一般世俗的團體一模一樣,似乎由人組成的團體就必然有政治鬥爭,教友聖的一面完全消失?就像這堂區的分歧,e.g.「親者仇者」,又話「魔鬼」,又話「清者濁者」,又話「同流合污」,又話rude and un-cooperative,又話favouritism,這些又豈指分歧?



Posted -
2002/9/10 下午 01:02:58

"由教友領導時很難像神職班那般容易取得共識。" -


Posted -
2002/9/11 上午 10:06:44

攬大權不放不是錯,但這也要有'共識' - 人人清楚非其話不能算數;而不是無呎度的時而寬,時而緊,看心情,看人(最要不得),不信任的人又用,用了,又用親信來'制衡'!


Posted -
2002/9/11 下午 01:57:03

There is a strange phenomenon in this parish that I have observed in context of the above. I do not advocate a disregard or disobedience of the pastor's directions in religious matters like liturgy.
It is well-known that the faithful there do not like feet washing at the Lord's Supper. This easter, the leader of the readers (a lady used to be in charge of the whole group) 'advised' the APP 'not' to wash the feet of the faithful because 'they did not like it'.
At the Chapel, the PP not only washed the feet of the faithful, but announced at homily that 'the outstandingily charming lady' will wash the feet of the faithful, to the amazement of many St Paul Sisters who attended the service.
Well, I disagree with both approaches.


Posted -
2002/9/11 下午 02:04:52

說得好 - 問題不應是'神職主義'抬頭抑低落。如此阻止神父為信友洗腳是驕傲行徑;本堂找堂花洗腳本無不妥,壞在以'靚女為你們洗腳'來帶入題,完全離譜!

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