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Posted -
2003/11/6 上午 10:11:05

教會其實有需要作此調查 - 看看現況如何,和有何對策.
當然,調查結果未必要公開,更不可對現行制度有任何'衝擊'效果 - 始終,這不是popular opinion所能夠決定的事.


Posted -
2003/11/6 上午 10:13:20

補充 - 調查對象為神職人員.


Posted -
2003/11/6 下午 04:06:33

I don't think the Church or our Diocese would ever brave such a thing!


Posted -
2003/11/6 下午 10:37:20

Many people (Catholic and non-Catholic) think that making priestly celibacy optional will solve the sobering issues of sex abuse and severe shortage of priestly vocations. I think it’s misguided. Clergy sex abuse is an abhorrent sin and we condemn it (the sin). But statistics clearly shows sex abuse or illicit sex happens much more often with married clergies in other denominations. Then statistics on the entire general population is many times higher (albeit it still does not make clergy sex abuse any less grave).
I don’t pretend to have the solution on the shortage of priestly vocations. But I believe priestly celibacy is a beautiful gift from God. It's a calling for the higher good.

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