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Posted -
2005/4/3 上午 09:56:27

The duties of the camerlengo of Holy Roman Church :

1.As soon as he is informed of the death of the Supreme Pontiff, the Camerlengo of Holy Roman Church must officially ascertain the Pope's death, in the presence of the Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations, of the Cleric Prelates of the Apostolic Camera and of the Secretary and Chancellor of the same; the latter shall draw up the official death certificate.

2. He must also place seals on the Pope's study and bedroom, making provision that the personnel who ordinarily reside in the private apartment can remain there until after the burial of the Pope, at which time the entire papal apartment will be sealed;

3. He must notify the Cardinal Vicar for Rome of the Pope's death, whereupon the latter shall inform the People of Rome by a special announcement;

4. He shall notify the Cardinal Archpriest of the Vatican Basilica;

5. He shall take possession of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican and, either in person or through a delegate, of the Palaces of the Lateran and of Castelgandolfo, and exercise custody and administration of the same;

6. He shall determine, after consulting the heads of the three Orders of Cardinals, all matters concerning the Pope's burial, unless during his lifetime the latter had made known his wishes in this regard; and he shall deal, in the name of and with the consent of the College of Cardinals, with all matters that circumstances suggest for safeguarding the rights of the Apostolic See and for its proper administration.

7. During the vacancy of the Apostolic See, the Camerlengo of Holy Roman Church has the duty of safeguarding and administering the goods and temporal rights of the Holy See, with the help of the three Cardinal Assistants, having sought the views of the College of Cardinals, once only for less important matters, and on each occasion when more serious matters arise."


Posted -
2005/4/3 下午 05:28:33

Grange兄大概是引述已故教宗的宗座典章《Universi Dominici Gregis》吧?那可說是他的「遣詔」。


Non habebis annos Petri ...


Posted -
2005/4/3 下午 09:28:56

Reports say officials in Poland want the Pope's heart to be extracted and buried in Krakow, where the Pope was once a cardinal. It was the custom until the late 19th Century to bury the pope's heart separately but analysts do not expect the tradition to be revived. 嘩!有冇攪錯?


Posted -
2005/4/3 下午 09:36:46

Choosing a successor !

Cardinals from around the world elect the successor in a centuries-old ritual called the conclave. This begins between 15 and 20 days after a pope's death and only cardinals under the age of 80 may cast a vote.

On the day the conclave begins, the cardinals will move in procession into the Sistine Chapel. They will have the option of holding an initial ballot - but only that first ballot - on their first afternoon in conclave. This would give them an opportunity to gauge the level of support for various candidates, before retiring for the night to contemplate their choice. Or they could follow the normal practice of waiting until the following morning to begin the election and the voting.

From this point, there will be four ballots a day - two in the morning and two in the afternoon - until a new pope is chosen. Cardinals write their choice on a piece of paper, taking care to disguise their handwriting as much as they can.

The ballot papers are burned after every second vote, at around midday and in the late afternoon or early evening. Chemicals are used so those watching outside can see black smoke if there is no decision and white smoke once a new pope has been chosen.

Previously a new pope had to be chosen by a two-thirds majority of cardinals. In his 1996 apostolic constitution, John Paul II put forward changes that would allow the election of a pope by a simple majority but only if no successor had been agreed after about 30 ballots.

The new pope then chooses the name by which he wishes to be called, dons his new robes and appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica.

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