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Posted -
2006/10/17 下午 09:00:00

The following occurred at Bern, Switzerland on September 19, during a day of reflection on the theme “Pluralism of values or loss of values?” In front of 180 monks and nuns, a Jesuit Fr. Hansruedi Kleiber, declared: “Secularization is fundamentally a consequence of Christianity!" Because, according to him, “secularization signifies that Christian culture and Christian values – founded on Christianity and finding their historic origins there – are commonly recognized and accepted in society today, without being directly related to Christianity.” And proudly gives the example of “human dignity”!

So, there is no need to worry about the secularization of institutions, even less about the de-christianization of society. Christian culture is recognized everywhere and Christian values are accepted by everyone, but no one remembers their Christian origin. There is no “silent apostasy” in Europe.

Our contemporaries have become so Christian that they no longer even notice . Just like M. Jordain (in Moli鋨es play, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme), who found he had been speaking prose all his life without knowing it, modern man practices the Christian virtues unwittingly.

Psychiatry teaches us that there are people who fabricate stories without realizing it. For them it is second nature: they are mythomaniacs as part of their nature, without their knowing it. It could be said that for them, that they lie as naturally as they breathe. So, Father, mytho or catho? It’s your choice!

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