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Posted -
2002/7/9 上午 11:39:28

How did the American Catholic priesthood go from an image of wise, strong men like Spencer Tracy in Boys Town and Bing Crosby in Going My Way, to an image of "pedophile priests"?

In Goodbye, Good Men, investigative reporter Michael S. Rose provides the shocking answer – an answer the mainstream news media has missed.

He uncovers how radical liberalism, like that found on many college campuses, has infiltrated the Catholic Church and tried to overthrow her traditional beliefs, standards, and disciplines – especially Church teachings on sexuality. In bringing the "sexual revolution" into the Church, liberals have welcomed – even preferred – radicalized active homosexuals to orthodox seminarians in the name of "diversity" and "tolerance." That "tolerance" has now been exposed as a toleration of criminal acts.

Here, in stunning detail, is the story behind the headlines – the story that made those very headlines possible. As Dr. Alice von Hildebrand says, Goodbye, Good Men "holds the key to a phenomenon which, to many, is also an enigma: Why are so many seminaries empty? Michael S. Rose has the courage – a courage that many Church leaders lack – of giving us the fearful but uncontestable answer: because vice has penetrated into many of them, and those who do not condone vice are excluded."

A riveting work of extraordinary reporting, Michael S. Rose shows how the very institutions charged with inculcating Catholic theology and discipline have come to prefer gay priests to straight ones, pop psychology to religious devotion, and Playboy to the pope.

Praise for Goodbye, Good Men

"Goodbye, Good Men provides additional evidence that the problems behind the headlines run deep and wide. Recognizing that and acting on that recognition will, please God, lead to a Church renewed in fidelity to what she teaches."

--Rev. Richard John Neuhaus
Philadelphia Inquirer

(source taken from www.goodbyegoodmen.com)


Posted -
2002/7/11 上午 01:18:47

Tony Schiavo (tschiavo@arxpub.com), A Catholic from New Jersey, June 28, 2002,
Must Reading for anyone concerned about the Catholic Church
Wonder where this massive scandal that we now are suffering through came from? This shocking book provides an answer based on interviews with over 100 priests and former seminarians. And what is that answer, according to author Michael Rose? That dissenters within the Church have taken over positions of authority and are purposely weeding out candidates who AGREE with the official Church teaching on issues such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, etc. Seminarians are looked upon with suspicion if they practice Eucharistic adoration, believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, say the rosary, oppose priestesses or married clergy, or are not part of the homosexual subculture.

The evidence presented in this book is shocking and atrocious in the extreme. Detractors of Michael Rose do not bother to question his facts -- they question only his motivation for writing this tell-all book. Based on what I've read, I see his motivation as being a sincere desire to cleanse the body of the Church from the cancer of dissent that has infected so many of our cherished institutions -- seminaries, universities, parishes, and chanceries. As explained in the book, this cancer is responsible for the 'vocations crisis' that many 'liberal' dioceses experience. It is also a primary factor behind the homosexual/pedophile scandal that has plagued us for years but is only now coming to light.

I heartily recommend this book to any Catholic who wants to read the unvarnished truth about the forces that our pulling our Church to perdition. Be aware, however, that the book discusses actions and beliefs that most Catholics find abhorrent -- but only from the perspective of what needs to be done to combat these errors.

(from www.Barnes-noble.com)


Posted -
2002/7/11 上午 10:13:17

Barnes Noble do offer many insightful Catholic readings. I wonder if the Catholic Centre would liaise with them and order some of their publications - those that are relevant to our faith.


Posted -
2002/7/17 上午 01:11:34

Goodbye, Good Men
>Rose, Michael S.
>Liberals who blame celibacy for the Catholic Church's pedophilia scandals are missing the real cause: seminaries that actively encourage homosexuality, moral laxity, and theological dissent all in the name of post-Vatican II "renewal." In Goodbye, Good Men, Michael S. Rose demonstrates that such seminaries are by no means rare. All over the country, gay priests and liberal nuns energetically recruit for the priesthood gay men and others of questionable moral character - while turning away heterosexual orthodox men.
>Rose fearlessly names names to tell the whole shocking story and the "Pink Palaces" of gay debauchery that many seminaries have become is just the beginning! Rose introduces you to the lesbian witch who attended classes with Catholic seminarians - in deference to whom the faculty carefully avoided mentioning the Church's teachings on sexual morality; the seminarian who was scolded for owning a cassock and refusing to read Playboy; and the seminary administrators and novice masters who took no action against gay sexual harassment of non-gay seminarians.
>Each more appalling than the last, the stories document much more than just a few isolated cases of laxity: they betray a deeply rooted agenda by gays and dissenters to do nothing less than take over the Church. To do so, they've created the Church's "priest shortage" by running serious Catholics out of the seminaries - leaving only deviants.
>Nor is this problem restricted to Catholics! The assault on Christian orthodoxy and masculine authority - as well as the aggressive promotion of the gay agenda - that Rose documents in this book are proceeding apace in Protestant denominations too. That makes Goodbye, Good Men essential reading not only for Catholics who want to save their Church, but for everyone who wants to defend Christianity from assault by those who would subvert its message from within. A few of the appalling facts that Michael Rose reveals:
> a.. Seminarians and professors who have actually been threatened with physical violence if they did not accept the gay agenda and openly, actively gay seminarians
> b.. "Troublemakers": the facts about how seminarians have been dismissed from seminaries for accepting the Church's teachings on sexual morality
> c.. Catholic seminary professors who systematically taught that Catholic doctrines were false - and penalized those who defended them
> d.. The seminary where students wore pink silk and paraded around like the cast of La Cage Aux Folles
> e.. Weekend entertainment: the seminary where students were driven to a nearby large city every Friday night so that they could cruise the gay bars
> f.. The seminarian who was told to attend a psychiatric course because he openly resisted gay intimidation and efforts to have homosexuality accepted at his seminary
> g.. Academic standards: the seminarian who was told, "If you can't say with certainty that masturbation is a positive good, then you are not suitable for ordination to the Catholic priesthood"
> h.. The seminary that tried to convince one student's parents that he needed psychiatric help - because he worked in Ronald Reagan's 1980 presidential campaign!
> i.. The seminarian who garnered excellent evaluations from his professors for being "tolerant, flexible, and liberal-minded" - right up until the day he was arrested for corrupting the morals of a minor
>"Anyone, Catholic or non-Catholic, who wants to understand the causes of the current scandals in the Church couldn't find a better explanation than that contained within the pages of Goodbye, Good Men." -- Phil Brennan, Newsmax.com
>"American Catholics have been left reeling by recent clergy sex scandals, and have wondered how things could have gotten so bad. Goodbye, Good Men has the shocking answers. Rose presents evidence that the destruction of the Catholicism in America has primarily been an inside job carried out by unchaste gay priests, feminist nuns and theological dissenters in control of the institutional Church -- and he names names. Goodbye, Good Men could not have come at a better time for the American Church which is in desperate need of authentic reform. At last, someone has written the blockbuster book orthodox Catholics have been hoping and praying for." -- Rod Dreher, National Review
>"Goodbye, Good Men investigates the training of priests over the past decades and shows how a shortage has been artificially created by keeping good candidates our and admitting effete and unorthodox ones. The scandals of homosexual priests and bishops now testing the faith and loyalty of American Catholics have their origin in the situation Rose describes in the this book. I would recommend it to all bishops, but any bishop unaware of what Rose has written is guilty of culpable ignorance." -- Ralph McInerny, Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, and author of What Went Wrong with Vatican II

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