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Posted -
2001/5/23 上午 12:03:08

可能我真的有少少誤解你的意思,因為你說:"驟眼看來,Cranmer禮儀書的文字看上去是比梵二的授秩禮「更為有意思」", 我以為你認同此"形forma", 可能已足夠, 只是意向intention不足.
因你內文所說的「Ecclesia supplet」不是禮儀神學所講的「Ecclesia supplet」, 而是你自己理解的「Ecclesia supplet」, 所以才引起誤會吧,


Posted -
2001/5/23 上午 12:06:41

edward兄, 我好像感到你混淆了形和意向的分別和關係.
是指你以為只要聖公宗有和我們相同的意向, 而她不須改變她的"形"(指授職經文), 也可成為有效的聖事?(當然還需一個有有效牧職的主教去施行)


Posted -
2001/5/23 上午 12:20:20

問題是crammer的禮書的禮文是否已有外在的意向去施行教會想做的事, 即施行聖秩聖給該名受秩者,而他寫時的內在意向是不大重要的, 也不能判斷. 就算是意向不足, 理論上教會已可補其不足.
我自覺該意向是明顯的. 他內在的意向, 按天主教會的一貫訓導是不重要的. 這是為何我一開首是說, 良的reasoning不是太sound. (just in this case) I agree with him in most social teachings.
而該外在意向也只應是在該禮文中尋找, 我們見到在中世紀的授職禮文中, crammer的禮文沒有太大的差距, 可能如edward所說, 比我們現時所用的經文更有意思. 如按祈禱律制定信仰律的原則, 此經文其實應以表達足夠的意向, 最少都有外在意向.


Posted -
2001/5/23 上午 07:36:12


假設該個宗派所持的信念,明顯是否定任何有關聖餐的聖事性。那麼,當那位神父按該宗派以自己所編撰的St. Justin感恩經,並在該書中寫明了對它的「註釋」,並聲明是「不像現時天主教或東正教那些迷信方式」去為「我那個宗派的信徒」舉行聖餐的話,該聖餐是否有效的聖體聖事?


Posted -
2001/5/23 上午 07:38:08



在這情況下,這個婚配禮儀的Matrimonial Consent,是否具備了完整的Form呢?


Posted -
2001/5/23 上午 09:54:36

問題的重點就在這裡, 他們是否認為他們自己是在做著「古代教會」所做過的「對救恩而言為必要」事情?
他們是否相信自己是在施行聖事?傳遞上主的恩寵?是否在做耶穌希望他的門徒所做的?如是, 他已是在做教會想做的事.
他們是相信的, 只是在闡釋上與羅馬教會不同吧了.


Posted -
2001/5/23 上午 10:04:16

婚姻禮儀是使經院神學家最頭痛的, 因為它不好切合他們源用的形質論. 甚麼是婚姻的質? 是房事嗎? 如何的形是"足夠". 是"我願意"嗎?
話說回來, 當然有人說你所講的情況下, 聖事性的婚姻不存在.
但我又要問, 正教會的婚姻的形不在夫婦的合意, 而事實上天主教的東方教會也不是以夫婦的合意作為聖事的形. 那又如何解決?


Posted -
2001/5/23 上午 10:19:35

In the Eastern Churches, the priest's blessing is essential for joining of two people in a Christian, sacramental marriage.


Posted -
2001/5/23 下午 12:50:50

這是 CARDINAL HUME在1993年有條件地祝聖ANGLICAN BISHOP LEONARD of London成為天主教神父是的聲明中的一段, 有值得我們深思的地方.

While firmly restating the judgment of Apostolicae Curae
that Anglican ordination is invalid, the Catholic Church takes
account of the involvement, in some Anglican episcopal
ordinations, of bishops of the Old Catholic Church of the Union of
Utrecht who are validly ordained. In particular and probably rare
cases the authorities in Rome may judge that there is a "prudent
doubt" concerning the invalidity of priestly ordination received by
an individual Anglican minister ordain in this line of succession.

There are many complex factors which would need to be
verified in each case. It is most unlikely that sufficient evidence
will normally be available, but in Dr. Leonard's case, very full
documentation was available which enabled the authorities in
Rome to reach a judgment, and in this particular case that
judgment was that a "prudent doubt" exists. Of course, if there
were other cases where sufficient evidence was available, the
balance of that evidence may lead the authorities to reach a
different judgment.

After extensive research and careful consideration of the
factors necessary for validity, the authorities in Rome instructed me
to ordain Dr. Leonard to the priesthood conditionally, in
accordance with the norms of Canon 845.2. In such a case, during
the course of the ordination liturgy the church prays that almighty
God will grant the candidate the grace of the Catholic priesthood in
case he has not received it through his ordination celebrated in the
Anglican Communion.

為何因祝聖者變成有效的主教時, 同一樣的祝聖經文和禮儀突然變成 "prudent doubt", 而不是totally null and void?

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