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全部區域 > 我們的教會 > 聖召 > Eight Difficult Husbands of Consecrated Life - from the World Congress of Consecrated Life, 23-28 November 2004

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Posted -
2005/1/12 上午 10:21:05

By Sister Dolores Aliesandre, opening speech in the Congress "Passion for Christ;Passion for Humanity":

What would the Samaritan Woman say to the religious on consecrated life if she would to take us by the hand? We could ask ourselves, suggests the religious, 'our husbamds' names' - those realities that we strike deals with, and that separate us from our Centre.
There is the husbnad of 'uninformed and conformist nosense', who would have us believe that there is no hope for this world and that chnage is impossible.

The 'neo-liberal, consumerist husband', who deceptively lures towards keeping up with the Joneses.

The 'individualist husbnad' who looks for fountains that bring change, who seduces us with the easy-going ways of a trivial and dissipated life in which the pain of others, the awe of God's presence, and disturbing reminds of His Hospe fail to touch our hearts.

The 'pseudo-therapist husband' who banks on psychology as the ultimate explanation for everything; he is always suspicious of desires, ivariably denying that they come from a transcendant source.

The 'secularist husband' who leads away from the well of living water, from the deeply moving encounter with the Lord and mystical experience.

The 'spiritualist husband' who stives to keep erecting shrines and escape to the heights of new rites and reformist agendas with hazy new agecharacteristics, unrelated to the realities of everyday life.

The 'idolizer husband' who gets us to worship the media and its instruments, institution, ties and laws, having nothing to do with a return to what is religious, and making it more and more dfficult for us to give the Father the adoration that Hee seeks from us.

The 'thousand-things-to-do husband' who hides behind the old dynamic of lookign fro justification through works.

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