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Posted -
2004/5/27 下午 03:55:20

St. John Vianney was not brilliant, but he had a quick wit. Onve when he was a seminarian, during an oral theology examination, he was doing very poorly. The priest who was examining him grew impatient and said:

"This fellow is a complete ass. What can we do with him?"

St. John answered: "Reverend Father, if Samson armed with only a jawbone of an ass, could kill 3,000 Philistines, then what should not God be able to do with a complete ass?"


Posted -
2004/5/27 下午 04:05:05

Here's another one:

Once upon a time Mike, who is a Vietnamese pilot went abroad with Dave, a Jewish pilot in the same airline company. They steered the plane together.

After the plane had taken-off for about an hour, Dave suddenly asked Mike: "Pearl Harbour! Why did you guys attacked it without ultimatum?"

Mike:"I donno what you're talking about sir. It's Japanese who sank the ships at Pearl Harbor and I'm......a Vietnamese."

Dave: "Japanese, Chinese, Burmese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, just all the same!"

Then Mike ran back to silence and flight continued for half an hour.

Mike: "Why did you guys sank the Titanic?"

Dave: "Excuse me? It was an iceberg that sank the Titanic?!"

Mike: "Iceberg, Goldberg, Steinberg, Speilberg......all the same!"

Guess the ADL is gonna sue me for an unrealistic portrayal of the Jewish people.(^_^)

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