August 2002

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : That respect for the environment, God's gift to all men and women, may increase both on a personal level and on that of world public opinion.

A common platform is needed to speak about respect for the environment. It will include an objective view concerning the kind of earth that is ours and a subjective view of the different perceptions concerning humanity. Science can give us some answers for the first view but we need to depend on a comparison of the fruits produced by the different perceptions concerning human life for the second view.

The Christian view of life is that the earth is a gift for humanity. It has to be respected even though the human creature considers himself the autonomous sovereign of the earth and wants to conquer it in an unlimited way. Our human life is a gift which is given us with the entire creation of an ineffable and holy divine presence. Faith opens the frontiers of gratitude and joy with a call to celebrate life in a simple way. The human being will be able to protect his frontiers only if he respects all creation and its inhabitants. This automatically includes concern for the environment.

Our faith instructs us to use our human power obediently, listening and speaking to the donor of everything. Then it urges us to be at the service of our neighbours without wanting to possess them and then respecting the earth for humanity's sake.

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