January 2004

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : That all men and women may recognise that they are members of God's one family and end wars, injustice and discrimination among themselves.

Wars are a sad expression of the division that refuses to cease. In many corners of the earth people suffer discrimination because of their race, culture or religion. Injustice and poverty are the cause of violence and suffering .

The reality of the world today urges us on to work and act for peace and concord among peoples, with the awareness that there is an indissoluble link between peace and justice, between welcoming and solidarity. Peace, justice and solidarity are in fact born from the heart; they are an intimate conviction which spurs us on to see in the other not an enemy but a member of the same human family, of the only family of God.

We welcomed the Prince of Peace at Christmas recently. In front of this unarmed God who offers Himself to us, we must drop our weapons. He invites us to place ourselves at the service of one another and rediscover the fact we are never so great as when we discover that we are part of the same human family and allow others to grow in humanity.

We pray that each person may become aware of belonging to the same family of God and consequently convert his/her attitudes and feelings. In fact every event, choice and behaviour stems from how we look at the other one, from our capacity to welcome and love him/her.

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