September 2006

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : That those who use the means of social communication may always do so consciously and responsibly.

The media of social communications have an enormous positive potential for promoting sound human and family values. They can contribute to the renewal of society and have great power to shape ideas and influence behaviour. Professional communicators should, consciously and professionally, recognize that they have a moral responsibility to give families all possible encouragement, assistance, and support to exercise their wisdom, good judgement and fairness over issues involving sexuality, marriage and family life.

Parents are the primary and most important educators of their children. They should be the first to teach them about the media, especially TV. They are called to train their children in the moderate, prudent and critical use of TV in the home. When parents do that consistently and well, family life is greatly enriched. They would also find it helpful to join other families to study and discuss the problems and situational opportunities presented by the media programmes.

Parents also need to regulate the use of TV in the home. They should plan and schedule the viewing of TV as an occasion for family entertainment. Sometimes it may be necessary to put some media programmes entirely off limits for the sake engaging in other family activities. More importantly, parents should give good example to children by their own thoughtful and selective use of media.

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