April 2008

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : That Christians, even in the difficult and complex situations of present day society, may not tire of proclaiming with their lives that Christ's resurrection is the source of hope and of peace.

The Resurrection of Christ is the centre of preaching and Christian witness from the beginning till the end of time. It is a great mystery of our salvation which finds its fulfilment in the Resurrection of the Incarnate Word and anticipates and guarantees our hope. But the mark of this mystery is love, and only in the logic of love can it be brought close and somehow understood. Jesus Christ was one with indestructible Life and therefore He could give His own life, letting Himself be killed. But He could not succumb to death definitely. His Resurrection is an explosion of light and love that melt away the chains of sin and death.

All of this concretely happens through the life and witness of the Church which is God's work and not ours. It comes to us in faith and the Sacrament of Baptism, which is really death and resurrection, rebirth and transformation to a new life. Hence, the essential identity of my life is changed through Baptism, and I continue to exist only in this changed state.

Our vocation and our Christian duty then consist in cooperating with the Holy Spirit to bring to effective fulfilment the Baptismal graces in the difficult and complex situations of the daily reality of our lives. In fact, we care called to become new women and men to be able to be true witnesses of the Risen Lord and thus bearers of Christian message of joy and hope in the world.

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