16 Aug
19th Week in Ordinary Time
Ez. 18:1-10,13,30-32
Ps. 50:12-13,14-15, 18-19
Mt. 19:13-15
(Ps Wk III)
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Whenever there is a disaster like a fire, earthquake, or tsunami, there are those who insist that it is "God's punishment" for sins. It is an idea that we have a hard time getting rid of. The prophet Ezekiel makes a step in the right direction. He insists that we are not punished for the sins of others - there is no collective punishment. Every person is responsible only for his or her own conduct. We answer for our own behaviour alone. And we might add that God does not 'punish' anyone - we punish ourselves by the consequences of our bad choices and unloving behaviour. Ezekiel reminds us to tend our own house before we presume to correct or condemn others.

In time of war, children are the first victims. They have no strength and no voice and often there is no one to protect them. And in many ancient societies, they had no status or honour either. Jesus rebuked his disciples because they tried to keep the children away from the great man whom they were sure had no time for children. But children are a sign of hope, of change, of the future. It is to them that the gift of God's Kingdom that Jesus brought will be given. And unless mistreated by adults, they have not become hardened, rigid, and cynical. They are open and filled with delight and wonder. Elsewhere in the gospels Jesus insists that we too must become like these children if we are serious about being with God. Let us delight in simple things, stifle the cynical response, and be open to newness and change.

Lord, give me an open and simple heart.

Eternal Father, I offer You everything I do this day; my thoughts, words, joys and sufferings. Grant that, vivified by the Holy Spirit and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, my life this day may be of service to You and to others. I also pray that all those preparing for marriage discover in Sacrament the source of Christ's grace for living a fithful and fruitful love. Amen.

That the human family may know how to respect God's design for the world and thus become ever more aware of the great gift of God which creation represents for us.

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