June 2010


How to Pray the Novena

This Novena is to help you prepare for the Feast of the Sacred Heart on June 11, 2010. You may pray the Novena privately or with others over the nine days.

On each day of the Novena, set aside enough quiet time to do a short meditation on that day's prayer. Read the Scripture slowly once or twice. A Prayer takes up the theme of the day, and you end with the Novena Prayer (on the right of this web page) and include in it any intention you would like to make.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask. (Mention your intention silently.) If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

God smiles on me! - Thursday 3 June   How to pray the Novena

Scripture: 'Jesus looked at the rich young man and loved him.' (Mk. 10:17-31)

Reflection: There was a French mystic who said, 'Lord, you gazed on me and you smiled!' Imagine the Lord close to you and smiling. What better to do than to smile back? Allow yourself to do this and tell him how it makes you feel. Relax and enjoy being loved by him.

Prayer: Lord, I come to you full of needs. But my deepest need is to become more convinced of your love for me. Help me to believe that you do smile on me, now, tomorrow and always. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

End: Say the Novena Prayer.

The Lord invites me to be his friend - Friday 4 June   How to pray the Novena

Scripture: At the Last Supper Jesus gazed at the odd group he had gathered around him and spoke from his heart: 'You are my friends!' (Jn. 15:14).

Reflection: Again picture the Lord close to you, speaking your name, gazing into your eyes and saying 'You are my friend, and I love you!' Talk with him about what that means to you. Perhaps you are often lonely and unsure of yourself. Let this word of Jesus capture your imagination and fill your heart with joy.


Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

End: Say the Novena Prayer.

Thank God for creation - Saturday 5 June   How to pray the Novena

Scripture: The Prophet Isaiah, like all the Prophets in a time when the people were low, celebrated God as creator of all, and saw God tenderly holding us by our right hand, saying: 'Do not be afraid, for I will help you.' (Is. 41:13).

Reflection: The conviction that it is God who makes the difference between life and death, brings creation alive for us, whether it is in a flower bursting into bloom again in Spring, a new child being born, or our mobile phone bringing loved ones nearer.

Prayer: Comfort your people, O Lord, speak tenderly to us for it is you who makes the difference between life and death for us - you give us hope.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

End: Say the Novena Prayer.

God meets me in all that happens to me - Sunday 6 June    How to pray the Novena

Scripture: On their way to Emmaus the two disciples were talking about Jesus' death, when Jesus himself joined them and walked with them, but they did not recognize him. Later they remembered, 'Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked to us?' (Lk. 24:32).

Reflection: If the disciples had not invited Jesus to have supper with them they would never have known that it was he who had walked with them and talked with them. Have you realized that God has been at work in your life, maybe bringing good out of even the bad things that happened to you?

Prayer: Lord, you are so mysterious and so good! Let my heart be moved to thank you always and everywhere for the good things in my life, and to trust that you are busy also in its dark chapters, bringing good out of bad, always offering hope. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

End: Say the Novena Prayer.

Lord, help me to see you in people - Monday 7 June   How to pray the Novena

Scripture: Jesus defined his mission: 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free.' (Lk. 4:18-19).

Reflection: Jesus works today in the eyes and hands of the many people who come into our lives, to see our needs and teach us, heal us, protect us, need us, feed us, pick us up, sing to us, make us laugh and love us.

Prayer: Help me today to be in some way your eyes to see how you see, your hands to do what you do, your heart to feel the compassion you feel, and to love as you love me.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

End: Say the Novena Prayer.

'Caution, God at work!' - Tuesday 8 June   How to pray the Novena

Scripture: Once Jesus cured a man on the Sabbath and he was criticized. He replied that he was only doing what he saw his Father doing.

Reflection: Cynically a writer thought that God must get bored with nothing to do all day. He could not imagine God being so involved in the lives of his people, God getting his hands dirty. St Ignatius said God labours constantly, but the word 'labour' here means to struggle, sweat and strain up to your knees in muck! Well, the crucifixion is a good example of it.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for being so involved in our world, for bringing hope. Help me to see your hands at work in my days. Grant that all I do and all that I suffer may work with you to help and encourage all those in need of your love and compassion.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

End: Say the Novena Prayer.

God is close to all who are in any kind of need - Wednesday 9 June   How to pray the Novena

Scripture: Jesus identified himself with those in need, and warned, 'What you do to the least of these, you do to me.' (Mt. 25:40).

Reflection: Jesus cares particularly for the many who suffer loss today, whether it be the loss of employment, of their home, of the means to provide for their families; the loss of their loved ones, their health, their peace of mind, or even their hope. He wants to touch them and embrace them, and make them whole. We are only saved with love.

Prayer: Lord, give me a heart of compassion and teach me to treat all who suffer losses with respect and understanding.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

End: Say the Novena Prayer.

Pray for the world that feels betrayed - Thursday 10 June    How to pray the Novena

Scripture: As his passion was beginning Jesus knew how it would devastate his disciples, so he told Peter, 'I have prayed for you.' Peter found the strength to come through it and support the others.

Reflection: The theologian Chardin speaks of the two hands of God: with one hand God holds you carefully, with the other he shapes your life and the whole universe. Notice how his wounded hand works to restore the damage done to us, like a painter carefully restoring a damaged masterpiece - remember you are that work of art!

Prayer: Imagine Jesus leaning forward, speaking your name and saying: 'I have prayed for you.' Feel the support of that prayer. Jesus might add, 'When you pray for people you care about, I am praying beside you.' We pray together for the whole world to have the strength to come through hard times knowing you are with us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

End: Say the Novena Prayer.

Lord, make me grateful for your goodness - Friday 11 June   How to pray the Novena

Scripture: Jesus cured ten lepers but only one returned to thank him. Jesus was hurt, and asked: 'Has no one returned to give thanks to God except this Samaritan?' (Lk. 17:18).

Reflection: St Ignatius liked to say that God is good. He is like a lover, wanting to give everything including himself to his beloved. According to Jewish Tradition, God will ask us only one question when we meet him after death: 'Did you enjoy my creation?' Don't wait till then to say 'Thanks!' Appreciate the now.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your love, which will guide us through the darkest days and help us to bring hope and inspiration to others.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

End: Say the Novena Prayer.

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