August 2020

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : We pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and their families.

Caring for the People of the Sea

Seafarers and fishers are of every nationality and language. Though they go to sea for many different reasons, many go out of sheer economic desperation, often supporting extended families. They are away from their homes, their families and friends, for months perhaps years on end.

Their whole existence is strenuous often frightening, and a very lonely one. They are family men and women with simple stories to tell. Sometimes the stories are of hope but often they are tales of solitude and despair.

Those who practice charity in the Church's name will never seek to impose the Church's faith upon others. They realize that a pure and generous love is the best witness to the God in whom we believe and by whom we are driven to love. A Christian knows when it is time to speak of God and when it is better to say nothing and to let love alone speak, (cf. Deus Caritas Est, Para 31).

Ship Visiting

The Apostleship of the Sea chaplains and pastoral workers visit crews onboard ships in port. For seafarers it is a sign of our interest in them. The Apostleship of the Sea ship visitors report that, with very few exceptions, they are warmly welcomed on board, and their visits are highly appreciated. Ship visitors listen to seafarers. If seafarers have problems, ship visitors offer any assistance possible.

Ship visitors may give other practical help, for example: distributing maps of local services; offering books, videos and DVDs to the crew, and providing transport to shops or seafarers' centres.

For ships which have groups of Catholics among the crew, ship visitors may arrange for a Chaplain to come onboard for confessions and Holy Mass.

Spiritual Care of Seafarers, Fishers & their Families

Sustaining faith, nurturing spirituality and working for the dignity of all seafarers All People of the Sea have spiritual needs whatever their cultural and religious background. The Apostleship of the Sea promotes the moral and cultural values inherited from home communities. Harsh living and working conditions sometimes challenge these values.

The Apostleship of the Sea takes a holistic approach, treating seafarers as whole persons with needs in both body and soul. The Apostleship of the Sea is committed to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. However, ICMA does not support churches or sects which have aggressive recruitment policies and wish to gain access to seafarers for conversion purposes.

The Apostleship of the Sea works for unity, peace and tolerance. We respect and value other religious beliefs. Chaplains and ship visitors approach seafarers as friends offering spiritual support on the seafarers' own terms. Around the world, the Apostleship of the Sea assists visiting seafarers to fulfil their spiritual needs. Typically, this includes: making contact with priests or ministers of religion; transport to places of worship; and distributing spiritual literature suitable for interreligious use.


Our Lady Stella Maris

Stella Maris, is an ancient title for Our Lady, used by seafarers and others associated with the sea.

The Apostleship of the Sea has established many Stella Maris seafarer's centres and hostels around the world in honour of our patron Our Lady Star of the Sea. Many seafarers have come to know the Apostleship of the Sea as Stella Maris.

The idea of Mary our Mother being a guiding star for People of the Sea has led to special devotion to Our Lady, Star of the Sea in many coastal and fishing communities. Local churches and schools have been dedicated to Our Lady Star of the Sea.

Just as seafarers have traditionally depended on the stars for navigation, so they trust in the protection and guidance of Our Lady Star of the Sea.

Stella Maris' Prayer

O Mary, Star of the Sea,
light of every ocean, guide seafarers
across all dark and stormy seas
that they may reach the haven of peace
and light prepared in Him who calmed the sea.
As we set forth upon the oceans of the world
and cross the deserts of our time,
show us, O Mary, the fruit of your womb,
for without your Son we are lost.
Pray that we will never fail on life's journey,
that in heart and mind, in word and deed,
in days of turmoil and in days of calm,
we will always look to Christ and say,
"Who is this that even wind and sea obey him?"

Our Lady Star of the Sea, Pray for us. Amen

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