Oct 2023

P R A Y I N G    W I T H    T H E    C H U R C H    

INTENTION : We pray for the Church, that she may adopt LISTENING AND DIALOGUE as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.

Synodality - Revolution in Listening

"It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium." - Pope Francis, 2015. Pope Francis has called the Universal Church to an unprecedented two-year process of listening to the People of God in the firm belief that God speaks through them. The 2022 Synod of Bishops was postponed to 2023 to give Bishops time to listen for the Spirit's voice in the People of God.

Synodality is not a parliament but a process of discernment to hear the voice of the Spirit for our times. The word synod is derived from two Greek words: σύν ("with") + όδόϛ ("way"). A synod is a meeting, but it means more: it is a journey together on the way. Its roots lie in the Exodus ("a way out"), when God led the Hebrews from slavery to freedom. It is the image of a pilgrim Church whose oldest name is "The Way." Jesus calls us to follow on his way.

God is always at work in the people he has gathered together. This is why "the entire Body of the faithful, anointed as they are by the Holy One, cannot err in matters of belief. They manifest this special property by means of the whole people's supernatural discernment in matters of faith when from the Bishops down to the last of the lay faithful, they show universal agreement in matters of faith and morals" (Lumen Gentium, 12). The Council further points out that such discernment is animated by the Holy Spirit and proceeds through dialogue among all peoples, reading the signs of the times in faithfulness to the teachings of the Church.

The Theme of Synod on Synodality is "Communion, Participation and Mission

Having Real Conversations
  • Listening, Not Lobbying
    Politics have invaded the Church. Synodality is not lobbying but listening and understanding the situation of people. We are tempted to focus on what we will say in response instead of listening to what the other is saying. How can we hear the Spirit's call if we can't understand others in their situation? Practice listening; seek to understand.

  • Discerning, Not Voting
    Listen deeper and be attentive to what the Spirit might say through others. Listening and discerning must become the new normal for us if we are to be led by the Spirit in the Church.

  • Praying, Not Politicking
    The Synod is a gathering in liturgy and prayer. It requires docility to the movement of the Spirit when we are gathered in prayer. It utters the prayer of Samuel: Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.

Who Is Invited? Everyone!

"Special care should be taken to involve those persons who may risk being excluded: women, the handicapped, refugees, migrants, the elderly, people who live in poverty, Catholics who rarely or never practice their faith, etc. Creative means should also be found to involve children and youth. ...

Together, all the baptized are the subject of the sensus fidelium, the living voice of the People of God. At the same time, to participate fully in the act of discerning, it is important for the baptized to hear the voices of other people in their local context, including people who have left the practice of the faith, people of other faith traditions, people of no religious belief, etc.

Vademecum for the Synod on Synodality -
The Official Handbook for Listening
And Discernment in Local Churches

The Pit Falls
  1. The temptation of wanting to lead ourselves instead of being led by God. Synodality is not a corporate strategic exercise. Rather it is a spiritual process led by the Holy Spirit. We are all together on a journey.

  2. The temptation to focus on ourselves and our immediate concerns. "The Synodal Process is an opportunity to open up, to look around us, to see things from others' points of view, and to move out in missionary outreach to the peripheries."

    What is God's plan for the Church now? How can we implement God's dream for the Church on the local level?

  3. The temptation to only see "problems." "We can miss the light if we focus only on the darkness. Instead of focusing only on what is not going well, let us appreciate where the Holy Spirit generates life and see how we can let God work more fully."

  4. The temptation of focusing only on structures. "The Synodal Process will naturally call for a renewal of structures at various levels of the Church to foster deeper communion, fuller participation, and a more fruitful mission. ... The conversion and renewal of structures will come about only through the ongoing conversion and renewal of all the members of the Body of Christ."

  5. The temptation not to look beyond the visible confines of the Church. ... "A Synodal Process is a time to dialogue with people from the worlds of economics and science, politics and culture, arts and sport, the media and social initiatives. It will be a time to reflect on ecology, peace, life issues, and migration. We must keep the bigger picture in view to fulfil our mission in the world. It is also an opportunity to deepen the ecumenical journey with other Christian denominations and deepen our understanding of other faith traditions."

  6. The temptation to lose focus on the objectives of the Synodal Process. "[T]he Synodal Process maintains the goal of discerning how God calls us to walk forward together. No one Synodal Process is going to resolve all our concerns and problems. Synodality is an attitude and an approach to moving forward in a co-responsible way that is open to welcoming God's fruits together over time. It is vain to impose one's ideas on the whole Body through pressure or discredit those who feel differently."

  7. The temptation to treat the Synod as a kind of parliament. "This confuses synodality with a 'political battle' in which to govern; one side must defeat the other. It is contrary to the Spirit of synodality to antagonize others or to encourage divisive conflicts that threaten the unity and communion of the Church."

  8. The temptation to listen only to those already involved in Church activities. This approach may be easier to manage but ultimately ignores most of the People of God.

  9. The temptation of conflict and division. "That they may all be one" (John 17:21). This is the ardent prayer of Jesus to the Father, asking for unity among his disciples. The Holy Spirit leads us deeper into communion with God and one another. The seeds of division bear no fruit."

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