2014 - 2015年度
# 5
   Voluntary work     【 宗一 Juliana Siu 】

I have been a volunteer since 2002 year. I did a lot of voluntary work for the Elderly Care Centre, so that I know many elderly wish to be supported by their family during old age. But in reality, some do not receive such support. Mr. Chan is elderly and single. The first time his grandniece brought him to the Centre where I met him. I saw Mr. Chan with poor eyesight and frail body. Thus, the Centre conducted a home assessment for him.

Accompanying with Centre officer, we entered Mr. Chan’s home. We found that his house was full of rotten fruit , and medicine was scattered everything. Also, the electric wires were immensely chaotic. The hygienic conditions were so poor that mice were running everywhere. Therefore, our Centre’s voluntary team embarked on a plan for Mr. Chan to arrange members to escort him to hospital, help him purchase suitable electrical appliances and provide him with a home cleansing and maintenance service. The Centre has launched a programme to find hidden elders, like Mr. Chan in the community and to provide them with appropriate social support.

I am doing the volunteer work which I feel enjoyable and proud of giving help to the needy elders in our community.

“For I was hungry you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me”. ( Matthew 25: 34-36). If you enjoy in giving pleasure to others, the words of Jesus could be manifested : “ Insofar as you have done it to the least of my friends, you have done it to me.” ( Matthew 25: 40 ).

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