2019 - 2020年度
# 32
  Have you met Christ?   Year 2 Clarissa 

“Have you met Christ?” Sister asked.

Is it possible for us to meet Christ now? Those who met Christ in person lived more than two thousand years ago. What was their reaction when meeting Christ? The Bible reading on the Epiphany of the Lords, Mt 2.1-12 told us what the reaction of the people was when the magi from the east asked them where Christ, the new born king of the Jews, was. King Herod and all Jerusalem with him were greatly troubled; the chief priest and the scribes of the people did not feel anything and just answered that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem of Judea while the magi were overjoyed. Then how about us when we meet Him?

There were three persons I met who reminded me of Him. The first one was my mother-in-law who in 2014 got very sick and nearly died. She underwent an urgent and major operation at midnight. Miraculously she was fully awake the next afternoon and got baptized. Her bravery and seeing the grace she received from God moved me so much that I started going to catechism class and got baptized in 2016.

The second one was a little girl who attended Sunday Mass with her family. I met her every Sunday and would talk to her. She was a polite, quiet and shy girl. Usually she would not answer my questions and would just smile and say goodbye. But one Sunday she gave me a pack of biscuits after the mass. Later I learnt that this was a goodbye gesture before they moved and stopped attending the Church. I felt so very happy and was full of warmth.

The last one was my first pen friend who was in prison. I started writing letter to her after I joined the St. Paul’s Correspondence Association. At first I thought I was the one providing support and encouragement to her. In fact she was motherly, optimistic and understanding. She always shared with me the love of God that she herself had experienced. The reason that she had to serve a long sentence in prison was that she needed money urgently for her father who was very sick. At first she was very unhappy but later found peace in God. She was a good example of great faith and love and in the end she was the one comforting and supporting me.

Where is Christ and how can we meet Him? Mother Teresa told us: “Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.” From Mt 25.35-40, Christ told us: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me…Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” I should not count on how much I give but should be grateful and be thankful of how much I learn and gain from meeting Christ in my life.

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